brazen gambit, The - Lynn Abbey Page 0,104

someone with his rage, but what Yohan said made sense. It even answered some of his questions about Yohan himself. But the dwarf’s history couldn’t hold his thoughts, which skewed back to his original question:

“How did you escape? You were up against Rokka and Dovanne.” He knew them by their descriptions. “You could’ve taken them in a fair fight But if Escrissar was lurking, you shouldn’t have gotten away, Yohan. He should’ve nailed you to the ground, just like he did those poor-sod farmers you left guarding the cart.”

The dwarf turned away, took a half-step toward the salt, and stopped. “Last thing she said: ‘Don’t believe what I send.’ She blasted us, Pavek. Turned her mind inside-out. Let the nightmares fly free: the hates and fears we all have locked up inside. But she’d warned me, and I didn’t believe. I dropped to my knees and howled but didn’t believe. Then it all just stopped. That woman and the dwarf, they were rolling on the ground; they’d believed. I got to my feet, and I saw him walking toward her… the masked one you talked about: Escrissar, with the talons. He looked at me, reached through my ribs and pulled out my heart. It was mind-bending, all mind-bending. But I believed him, and by the living doom of Kemelok, I ran away.”

It didn’t take a mind-bender to read a proud man’s shame in the next few moments of silence. With his back still toward them, Yohan rubbed his eyes again and finished the tale: “That’s all. The elves found me and got me out late the next day. I don’t know where, but—for what it’s worth—not through the elven market. I stole a kank, made sure no one was following me, and headed back here. It’s over. I’ll tell Grandmother and be gone again.”

“To Urik?”

“Aye, to Urik, to Elabon Escrissar. She’s gone, Pavek. I failed her, and I lost her, and my banshee will haunt that mind-bending scum until he’s rotted in his grave.”

“I’m going with you,” Pavek said, surprising himself for a heartbeat. “I can get you into the templar quarter, into his house—”

“You’re no dwarf. It doesn’t matter whether I get through the city gates, as long as I’m close before they kill me. She was my focus, the faith of my life. My banshee will find him soon enough. Don’t go wasting your life on my account.”

I’ve my own scores to settle with that half-elf bastard,” Pavek countered. “I’ll get you there.”

“Me, too,” Ruari announced.

Pavek had forgotten the youth was with them, looking exceptionally grim and elven in the late twilight. He regreted his description of Escrissar, but doubted it was any great part of Ruari’s determination to join them.

“What do you say, Yohan?” he asked. “The three of us take down House Escrissar: the interrogator, the halfling, Laq and everything in-between?” Yohan shook his head. “It doesn’t work that way. I can’t change my focus once I’ve broken it. I swore in my heart to take care of her, and I failed. I thought she’d see the truth about the city more clearly in the elven market, so I took her there instead of the customhouse. Your friends—” Yohan spat the word out so sarcastically that there was no danger of mistaking its contrary meaning “—were waiting for us. Failure’s forever.”

“You’re sure your banshee would stay in Urik?” Ruari asked, sounding young and anxious. “You’re sure it wouldn’t come back here? I mean, if you broke faith with your focus, it was because of Quraite, wasn’t it, as much as it was that half-elf bastard in Urik? If you broke faith at all. You knew it was a bad idea to take the zarneeka to Urik. Everyone knew how you felt, but Kashi and Grandmother, they wouldn’t listen. They broke faith first—”

Though Pavek thought Ruari had raised sound and serious questions, he squeezed the youth’s shoulder hard enough to make him shut up. Yohan was still staring at the salt, toward distant Urik. When Ruari looked up, snarling and ready for an argument, Pavek was able to mouth. Not now and Later. He gave Ruari’s shoulder a friendly shake, then released him.

“We’ll go with you to Urik,” he said, not a question this time.

“You, you can come, but not Ruari—”

Once again the youth scowled and opened his mouth. Once again Pavek snared a fistful of half-elf and squeezed it for silence.

“Scum’s got a right,” he said, negotiating in flat, unemotional tones. “He tried his best, busted Copyright 2016 - 2024