Brazen and Breathless (Untouchable #6) - Heather Long Page 0,98

it’s normal. Just like I pretended it was normal with Maddy and never wanted any of you to see the cracks, because if you did, I had to admit they were there.”

Then because he didn’t need to be on the spot, I squeezed his hand.

“Maybe they don’t see you or can’t, but I do. I know you deserve a lot better.”

“I’ve got you, I’ve got Grandpa and Jeremy, and the guys,” Archie said, his smile growing without an ounce of mockery in it. “I’m not doing too bad, babe, I promise. I’m used to Edward and Muriel being less than interested in me. I was a business transaction, an investment. Probably one they aren’t thrilled with the dividends on.”

I made a face. “I don’t promise not to tell your mother off the next time I see her. I felt so fucking bad the last time…”

“You don’t have to feel bad for Muriel. She was a bitch to you, and you didn’t deserve it.”

“And you don’t either. So you need to agree with me, or I’m just going to be as annoying about this as I am about mini-golf.”

He burst out laughing. “The horror.”

I grinned, thrilled at the sound dislodging some of the darkness in his voice. “I bet you I can infuriate her. Have you ever gotten her to cuss at you?”

An amused, if thoughtful look crossed his face, and he glanced at me when we stopped at a light. “You don’t have to fight my battles for me.”

“Someone I adore told me they weren’t just my battles anymore. That I wasn’t alone. And that they would always have my back.”

His eyes softened, and he relaxed a little more. “You’re not going to back off on this are you?”

“’Fraid not. Love me. Love my stubbornness.”

He chuckled and leaned over to kiss me. It wasn’t long or deep, but it warmed me because he took a deep breath before he leaned back.

“Just remember, no matter what happens, we’ll be right outside that conference room, and there’s nothing she can throw at you that I can’t fix or block.”

“I believe you,” I told him. “And you remember that I’m a lot stronger than I look. I’m going to protect you, too.”

“I believe you,” he said, his smile soft. “But, babe, you’re going to have your hands full.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Twenty minutes later, Mr. Wittaker’s secretary led me away from the guys to the conference room where he was waiting with Maddy and her attorney. They’d arrived early, apparently, and he’d only walked into the conference room after we’d arrived.

My stomach was in knots and sweat dampened the back of my neck, but I refused to let her get to me. Staring across the room to where she sat and seeing her for the first time in months, I hadn’t been sure what I was going to feel when I got here.

“Francesca,” Maddy said in a cutting voice. “How kind of you to join us finally. One would expect a little more appreciation for those of us with busy schedules.”

“Do married men only keep banker’s hours? I didn’t know you had to punch a clock for being on your back, Maddy. My bad.”

Her face flushed and her eyes flashed as she started to stand. The man with her put a hand on her arm, and Mr. Wittaker stood smoothly. “Ms. Curtis, you will address all of your comments and questions to me through your attorney. Miss Curtis is here only as a courtesy so we can settle this matter as amicably as possible.”

“You call that amicable?” Maddy snarled, and it took everything I had to keep the smile off my face. Shots fired?

Today was not that day, and I was not that girl anymore.

I pulled out a chair and dropped into it, trusting Wittaker to take it from here.

I probably should have let him handle it in the first place, but it felt good to clap back at her.

Real good.

Chapter Nineteen

Getting What You Want Isn’t Always What You Need

The weirdest thing happened after I took my seat. I was still pissed, don’t get me wrong. Pissed as hell. Maddy had fucked up Coop’s parents’ marriage. Now she was after Archie’s parents. Had she hit on Ian’s dad at some point?

Oh, that was a horrifying thought. Maybe that explained some of his attitude toward me and why he’d leaned on Ian to take a step back. Or maybe that was me reading too much into it. Really, really hard to tell. Copyright 2016 - 2024