Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,96

a marriage flu,” he finally said without any humor. “Three of you have succumbed to it. I’m a bit worried I might be next.”

There was a pause before his brothers laughed heartily, even Crew, who was supposed to be the most rational of the family. He was a psychiatrist, after all.

“You don’t catch a marriage bug,” Crew finally said. “If you don’t want to get married, then don’t do it. People take marriage far too cavalierly. I think there’d be a lot less divorce if couples took more time getting to know each other. Marriage shouldn’t be done impulsively.”

“Do you think I’m being too impulsive?” Brandon asked.

Crew thought for a moment, then smiled. “No, I don’t. I’ve been watching you and Chloe dance around each other for a couple of years now. I think I might win the bet.”

Brandon’s eyes narrowed. “What bet?”

Crew smiled. “You had to know we’d be betting on how long it would take, especially when Joseph paired you up with Chloe.”

Brandon should’ve been annoyed that anyone would dare play matchmaker on him or that any bets would be made. But he was so in love with Chloe he couldn’t find even an ounce of irritation.

“I don’t care,” he finally said. “I’m too happy to care about how it began or who had a hand in it.”

“What are you happy about?” a loud voice asked.

“Are you eavesdropping?” Brandon asked Joseph as his huge uncle joined their circle.

“It’s not eavesdropping at my own party,” Joseph said with a stern look. “I know your mama taught you better manners than that.”

Brandon could’ve drawn this out and teased his uncle more, but he was in too good a mood to do that. Instead, he beamed at his uncle.

“I was just telling my annoying brothers that I don’t care how Chloe and I came together—I’m just glad we did.”

Joseph’s grin was brighter than the sun as he clapped Brandon on the back. “I’m very glad to hear it, boy,” he said. He then looked around the crowded room. “Where is Chloe?” He paused and looked some more. “It appears all of your women are missing.”

This made the brothers laugh. “We were wondering that ourselves,” Finn said. “But they’re together, so it could still be a while.”

“Yes, I remember those days. My Katherine still makes me wait on her, and let me tell you, the wait is always worth it,” Joseph assured them.

“Yes, it truly is,” Noah said.

“The music is beginning in a few minutes, so the second they enter, you can parade them around the dance floor. I plan on doing that with Katherine any minute now. There’s no place I enjoy being more than in my wife’s arms.”

“I don’t think she can fit you in her arms,” Finn pointed out.

“Well, it’s a good thing my arms are big enough to carry us both,” Joseph said. He looked over their heads, his eyes finding his wife. Brandon had definitely noticed over the years that Joseph was always well aware of his wife’s location.

“If my love is even half as strong as yours when we’re in our last days, I will call it a success,” Finn said.

Joseph lost his smile as he glared at his nephew. “Are you saying I’m in my last days, young man?”

Finn laughed. “Not at all, Uncle. I think you’re immortal,” Finn said as he held up his hands in surrender.

“Very good retreat,” Joseph told him.

“They’re here,” Brandon whispered, his eyes glued to the door that the three women had just stepped through.

Maybe it was his imagination, but it felt as if the entire room stopped speaking, and the world stood still as Chloe, Brooke, and Sarah moved forward. The world should have stopped at their presence. He’d certainly forgotten how to breathe, let alone how to speak, at the sight of Chloe.

She was stunning, unlike anyone he’d ever seen before. He’d been around the rich and famous, even royals, and the world’s most elite on a regular basis, but her beauty outshone them all. She had such a pureness about her it was simply breathtaking.

She moved forward in a shimmering silver gown that curved to her body before flowing out at the floor. She was free of jewels, her hair the only accessory she needed. She had a confident smile on her lips, and her teeth were gently biting into her bottom lip. He wanted to replace her teeth with his lips, to brush her pouting mouth with his tongue. He wanted to take her somewhere private Copyright 2016 - 2024