Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,86

When George lost his wife at a young age, he’d been angry for a while, but time really had helped him heal, and he got to see her face in those of his children every time he was with them. She was certainly looking down on them from up above.

“I wish we could stop time and have this forever,” Richard said.

“Well, I don’t know about you, but I know I’m not going to think too much about the future. I’m very happy with the right now,” Joseph said.

“Are there any updates on Brandon and Chloe? I was hoping for an engagement announcement by now. Those two sure have been taking their time,” George said.

“I agree. I wonder if we need to push them a little more,” Joseph said.

“If you push too hard, they might fight back,” Richard pointed out. He was the more reasonable of the three siblings.

“That’s nonsense. A love like theirs can’t be stopped,” Joseph assured the group.

“Yes, they do seem pretty perfect for each other,” Richard said.

“She’s such a sweet girl, but she has enough sass to put up with an Anderson,” George told them.

“It does take a strong woman to tame an Anderson man,” Joseph said as he gazed across the room at his beautiful wife. She looked up from her seat, where she was holding one of her grandnieces, and gave him a loving smile. “She still takes my breath away even after all these years.”

“You’re an example for us all,” George said. “A love that strong can’t be argued with. I don’t know why any of the kids try when you match them up.”

Joseph hushed his brother. “Now, don’t be saying that too loud. If they think their relationships aren’t fully their idea, they’ll get all upset with us.”

“It won’t last,” Richard said. “They are too happy with the women they love.”

“And the men,” George pointed out as he looked at his daughter and her husband. “These kids have made us mighty proud. We really are lucky how well they all turned out. Statistics show that’s nearly impossible.”

“Yes, they’ve had their ups and downs in life, but they are all hard workers and faithful and strong. We couldn’t ask for better than that,” Joseph said.

“Where did Chloe go?” George asked as he looked around the room. There were certainly a lot of people there, but not so many a person could get lost in the crowd.

“She needed a minute to compose herself. I have a feeling Brandon didn’t tell her she was coming here for Christmas. I can admit this place can be slightly intimidating,” Joseph said.

George and Richard laughed. “I guess we’re all just used to it by now,” Richard said. “But I can see why someone would be intimidated. This is a wild bunch to be thrown into.”

“I’m having a really great time looking at Brandon over there. He’s been watching the door from the moment he came into the room. It appears he doesn’t like to be away from sweet little Chloe too long.”

“Want to take bets on how long it takes for him to get her?” Richard asked.

Joseph laughed. “Right now,” he said as Brandon said something, then walked purposely out of the room.

“That took him about five minutes,” George said.

“Maybe seven,” Joseph said as he held up his glass. His brothers followed suit. “Here’s to another merry Christmas where we have friends and family and all the blessings we could ever ask for.”

“Here, here,” George and Richard said as they clinked their glasses against his. They all took a sip as Lucas, Joseph’s oldest son, stepped up to them.

“What are the three of you up to now on this beautiful Christmas Day?” Lucas asked.

Joseph smiled big at his oldest son. He hoped it was an innocent expression, but even under torture he’d never give away his secrets, so it didn’t matter too much.

“We were just talking about how blessed we are,” Joseph told his son.

“Yes, each year our family keeps on growing,” George added.

“And each addition brings joy,” Richard chimed in.

Lucas laughed. “I’ll take that answer, even though I have no doubt you’re up to something, and I have a feeling it has to do with my newest cousins. Someday you will get payback,” Lucas assured them.

“That’s a terrible thing to say,” Joseph told his son. “After all I do for this family . . .”

Lucas laughed, true merriment in his voice. Then he leaned in and hugged his dad and then his uncles. “Yes, you all keep this Copyright 2016 - 2024