Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,83

bed of tea bags was an infinity necklace embedded with diamonds. Chloe gasped as she looked at it. Then her face whipped around as she gazed at him.

“This is too much,” she said, her words barely audible. “Especially when I didn’t get you anything. I feel bad.”

“Do you like the gift?” he asked.

“I absolutely love it,” she assured him.

“Then it gives me pleasure. Please just take the next step with me to try this, to give it a go. We’re obviously drawn to each other, so why don’t we be true to ourselves?”

She gave him a watery smile as she nodded. “I think I’d like that,” she said.

His heart burst it felt so full. “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had,” he said as he took the necklace from her and placed it around her neck. She lifted her hand and caressed the sparkling gift.

“Me too,” she said. “Thank you for doing this for me. Thank you for your patience and understanding and for not giving up on me even while I’ve been a royal pain in the butt.”

He laughed as he stood up and pulled her into his arms. He didn’t want to leave the house, but it was Christmas, and he loved his family.

“Are you ready to be bombarded when we show up together at my family’s house?” he asked.

Her eyes widened. “Oh no, I think I’ll sit this one out,” she said.

“Not a chance, Chloe. I’m not going into that lion’s den without you,” he assured her.

Finally, she laughed. “Fine. But only because I’m sure Brooke and Sarah would come drag me out if I didn’t show up, anyway, and then be mad at you.”

“Do you think they already know we’re together?” he asked.

“I guarantee they know it.” The oven went off, and Chloe walked back into the kitchen. She took the egg bake from the oven, and then he couldn’t take not having her in his arms any longer.

She let out a whoosh of air when he spun her around and lifted her to the counter. It took them a couple of hours before they managed to make it out of the house together.


Chloe was having second thoughts as she stood beside Brandon’s monster-size truck and gazed at the huge Anderson mansion. When he’d said family dinner, she’d been assuming he meant Finn’s or Noah’s house. She could handle that. Even walking in with him, she could handle it because her best friends would be there.

This was an entirely different thing altogether. She glared at Brandon again as she crossed her arms and refused to move forward. If he’d told her he was coming to Joseph’s house, she would’ve gladly refused. He’d known that, the snake.

She was used to mostly ignoring the holidays. It was easy, besides her besties pressuring her. There’d be no way of ignoring Christmas in this house, and she’d be surrounded by incredibly rich people who loved each other. She was the only outsider.

What in the world was Brandon trying to do to her? She was going to kill him when she could safely yell at him without a million Andersons overhearing.

“I’m not going in there, Brandon. Give me my purse so I can call a cab,” she demanded. He hadn’t quit smiling since they’d arrived five minutes before, and she’d been scowling at him.

Didn’t the man get ruffled? It was insane how calm he remained while she stared daggers at him. It was downright ridiculous. It was very difficult to have a one-sided fight.

“I’m serious, Brandon. No way, no how am I entering the Anderson mansion on Christmas.” She was putting her foot down. But she wanted to leave before anyone was aware the two of them were there. She had no doubt that if they were spotted, there’d be no chance of her leaving. She was tempted to start walking down the snowy driveway that stretched a mile. But it was cold, and she wasn’t an idiot. She wasn’t wearing the right coat or shoes for that.

“You already agreed to come with me, Chloe,” he told her for the third time. His stupid grin hadn’t dropped at all.

“That was before I realized it was here,” she pointed out, hushing her voice when she realized it was growing louder by the second. She looked toward the massive front doors, but they hadn’t budged. Maybe there were Christmas miracles after all.

“I can’t just come to Joseph Anderson’s house uninvited—on Christmas afternoon.” She had to calm herself again. He was either Copyright 2016 - 2024