Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,57

stories high with huge windows and doors. It was majestic, but they’d also managed to make it appear inviting. It was this massive center that looked like a cottage in the woods. She was beyond impressed with the architectural design by her best friend Sarah and Brandon’s brother Noah.

“Yes, we’ve been right behind Noah every step of the way, getting everything wired. We want this fully functional within a year. We want this to truly be the standard for veterans care from here on out.”

“I hope so. I think there’s been a change in recent years where people realize these men and women who serve and get hurt or go through emotional trauma need and deserve help for giving us the privilege of freedom. Some countries don’t allow citizens to live a life of freedom. It always amazes me when I see people out protesting soldiers, when the only reason they can protest is because of those soldiers. Can you imagine how scary a world it would be without protection?”

“I don’t have to imagine it. When I was in the military, I spent time in countries where you absolutely didn’t turn your back on anyone. I was also horrified at seeing women with their heads down being openly beaten. There were no rights for the average citizen. It was sickening.” He paused as he entered a code so they could walk inside the empty lodge. “And I don’t think most people protest the soldiers; they usually protest the wars,” he said.

“I don’t like war,” she told him.

He shook his head. “No one likes war. There are those that think some are war hungry, but it isn’t about that. It’s about protecting our rights and trying to help oppressed people find a voice. But anyone can turn anything into what they want it to be with a few choice words on a news channel. As long as that’s happening, these men and women will continue to get disrespect. Once a soldier, always a soldier. It’s a brotherhood that we will always defend and respect. And those people that spit on us can do so because that’s their right as free citizens. They wouldn’t want to see a world without soldiers, though—that’s for dang sure.”

“Yeah, it always breaks my heart when I see disrespect for anyone who serves, such as soldiers, cops, firefighters, and others. I know there are bad apples in every profession, but I also know that the majority of people who serve do it because it’s who they are. It’s certainly not for the pay,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

“I wish they’d get paid more, but on the other hand, I think more people would do it for the money instead of because it’s a calling, so maybe that’s why the money is so low,” he said.

“That’s a good point,” she told him. “But maybe a little bit more money wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”

He nodded.

“I’ve always wondered that when it comes to preachers, too,” she added. “If they’re paid to do their job, what happens if they lose their faith? Do they keep doing it for the check, or do they quit?”

“Your mind really does wander,” he said with a laugh. “I don’t know a lot about preachers, as it’s been a long time since I stepped inside a chapel, but I do know they aren’t paid much. I don’t think any of them would do it for the money.”

She laughed with him. “I guess you make a good point.”

They finally reached the huge space that was ready for the kitchen. Catalogs and tables were set up, just waiting for her to get her hands on them.

“Oh, we should’ve done this so much sooner,” she said as she moved to a portable table and picked up an appliance book. Every model a chef would drool over was in the thick catalog. She was instantly absorbed.

“I think I’m going to lose you for a while,” Brandon said.

“Most definitely,” she told him.

It was a good thing, she decided an hour later. Their talk had grown a bit depressing as they’d arrived at the center. She loved being a chef because it was a job that was sometimes frustrating, but it was also amazing and generally made people happy. You couldn’t please everyone. That was for dang sure, but most who walked out of her restaurant were very happy and incredibly full. She didn’t do those tiny servings that sent a person to Taco Bell after they’d Copyright 2016 - 2024