Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,55

a herd of deer only a few feet from them. The animals looked up but didn’t run for cover. She stopped and admired how regal they appeared as they gazed back at Chloe and Brandon, trying to determine if they were a threat.

“We should’ve brought some hay in our pockets. Maybe they would’ve come over and taken it from you,” Brandon told her. “Next time we’ll remember.”

“That would be amazing,” Chloe said, wanting to run back and get the hay right then. Brandon tugged her along, and she reluctantly walked away from the animals. It was too cold outside to be out for long. “I know a lot about your family since my two best friends are married to your brothers. But is there anything you can tell me I don’t know?” she asked after a while. She loved learning about family history. Everyone had a unique story, even if they didn’t think so.

“Hmm, you should know it all. My mother died a few years ago, and that’s when my brothers and I discovered we had an entire family we hadn’t known we had,” Brandon said.

“That had to have been a huge shock,” she said. “I can’t even imagine if that happened to me.”

“I wasn’t in love with it at first, but it all worked out really well in the end, so it isn’t as if I can complain about it. My mother didn’t do it out of spite. My father was a horrible man, and my mom felt a lot of shame because of it,” he said.

“Everyone has skeletons in their closet, but you seem to have more than most,” she said. “Maybe that’s the way it is in all wealthy families. They want the world to see perfection, but money can’t solve all problems. It can buy pretty things, and it can also cause jealousy and conniving. So many people out there want what they don’t earn. They don’t look inside their own home first to fix problems, but look at the outside world and make unfair comparisons.”

“I agree with that,” he said. “But I think there are more good people in this world than bad.”

“Yes, I believe that as well. I just get frustrated sometimes. We all want the American dream, but so few try to actually achieve it. On those days I’ve worked eighteen hours and my feet have blisters and I still have a few to go, I want to kill someone when they see my new car and say it must be nice.”

He laughed. “I’ve been there. We lived in a tiny house growing up. We knew from the time we were young that if we wanted to have anything in life, we’d have to do it ourselves. Our mom taught us that hard work was the only way we’d survive. I watched her work hard every day of her life.”

“Now, you don’t ever have to worry about that again,” she told him.

He laughed. “Maybe if I was a spoiled brat. But I love my work. Without it, I wouldn’t have the same drive and purpose. Sure, there’s security in having a hefty sum of money in the bank, but that doesn’t mean I want to do nothing more than jet around the world. I want there to be meaning to my life. I did my playboy days, and that’s empty. I want to show something for my life. I want a legacy. I don’t need my name in lights. I just want to have made a difference.”

She paused for a moment. “Which is why you and your brothers were so eager to work on the center.” It was a statement.

“Yes, we all served, and to give back is pretty much amazing. I want to know I helped. And when I have children, I want them to know I did all I could, and my hope is they’ll follow in the great footsteps of the men and women before them. Many people don’t realize how much Joseph gives back. Yes, the man is a multibillionaire, but he does so much for his community. No, he doesn’t give it all away, but he gives the opportunity for anyone who wants to succeed to have a chance at doing that.”

“I guess that goes back to the saying of ‘Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish, and he eats for life,’” she said.

“Yeah, exactly. I’m all for giving to those who truly need it. I love this Copyright 2016 - 2024