Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,46

He turned and quickly walked down her path. Chloe had a feeling he’d done that so she wouldn’t have time to change her mind. She was already thinking it was a bad idea. Chloe took a deep breath as she leaned against her door and watched him depart.

She was feeling slightly depressed but was unsure why. She’d had a great evening. Jordan had been excellent company, and she was disappointed to not feel any attraction toward him.

She’d turned to head inside when a voice stopped her.

“How did your night go?” Brandon asked, making her heart thunder and her feet leave the ground as she jumped about a foot in the air. It took several seconds for her to respond to the man, who stepped up on her porch.

“Do you like to lurk in dark corners just so you can give me a heart attack?” she asked, ignoring his question. It was none of his business how her evening had gone. Where she’d felt nothing with Jordan but an easy companionship, she felt a myriad of emotions simply standing there with Brandon.

“Do you like to avoid questions?” he replied with what seemed like a permanent scowl on his face. She wasn’t used to seeing that. Of all the brothers, Brandon was the most likely to wear a smile twenty-four seven.

“I had a very nice evening. I’m tired, though, so I’ll talk to you later,” she said, dismissing him. She’d placed her hand on the doorknob and had gone to turn it when he spun her around. She looked at him in shock. Brandon was definitely a man who knew what he wanted, but he’d never acted like this before.

“Think about this tonight,” he said seconds before his head descended. She had no time to react before his lips were pressed against hers.

Brandon wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body tightly against his. There was no hiding the arousal she felt pressed against her or the reaction of her response. Chloe’s pulse beat out of control, and she could barely breathe. She raised her arms around his neck, clinging to him, while his hands roamed up and down her back.

She couldn’t seem to get enough of his taste, scent, or touch. She was quickly forgetting why she shouldn’t be kissing him and the fact that she’d just ended a date with another man.

“Invite me inside,” he growled in her ear before he ran his skilled tongue down the curve of her neck, making her moan. All she had to do was say yes, and they could have a passion-filled night. She opened her mouth to utter the simple word as his hand slipped around her side and cupped her aching breast. He flicked his thumb over the sensitive bud, making her feel intense pleasure even through the layers of her clothes.

She cried out and felt a shudder ripple through his body as it pressed closer to hers. He pushed her up against her front door. He brought his lips back to hers, devouring her, reminding her she was a woman with needs. He moved his hand to the edge of her skirt, sliding it upward, touching her bare skin. She shook with the intensity of the pleasure.

She heard a car door shut somewhere close, and that small bit of noise helped bring her back to reality. What was she doing? She was practically making love to Brandon on her brightly lit front porch, where a neighbor could easily walk by.

“Brandon, we have to stop,” she whispered. She could barely get the words past her desire-filled throat. She brought her hands down to his chest and pushed. He lifted his head, looking at her in confusion. His eyes, filled with desire, were almost her undoing. She wanted to keep going, which made it so much harder to stop.

He bent his head to take her lips once more, and she didn’t know how she found the will to pull away. He let out a deep sigh and finally stepped back. He didn’t say another word, just turned and left. Chloe let out her own sigh and stepped through her door. She leaned against it, and a shudder racked her body.

What was she doing? She wasn’t this woman. She wasn’t the type of person who went on a date with one man and made love to another on the same night. She wasn’t that person who played games with men, and she wasn’t a cheater. So what in the heck was she doing?

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