Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,44

through somewhat gritted teeth. “This is my friend Jordan Skye. Jordan, this is Brandon Anderson. We’re working on the veterans center together,” Chloe said, making reluctant introductions. Jordan didn’t live in Cranston, so he was probably very unaware of anything that was going on in the town.

Jordan’s eyes lit up at the introduction, though, and Chloe wanted to roll her eyes. Of course the Anderson name got a reaction from most people. It didn’t mean she had to like it one little bit.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Anderson. I’ve been following the news on the veterans facility. You guys are doing an amazing job. I wasn’t aware Chloe was working on it.” His words were full of wonder as he turned and faced her, looking impressed.

“I just signed on,” she said with a shrug. “But I’m pleased to be a part of it.”

Brandon ignored all talk of the project as he eyed her with suspicion. “What are you two up to tonight?” He wasn’t backing off.

Jordan seemed completely unaware of the tension. It was something she’d always liked about the man. He was generally happy and worked hard and played even harder. She’d always been curious why she wasn’t attracted to him.

“I’m taking this beautiful woman to a show and dinner,” Jordan said as he squeezed her waist and smiled at Brandon. “She doesn’t often say yes, so I have to move fast when it does happen.” He chuckled, as if they were all sharing an inside joke.

Brandon wasn’t smiling. He looked at Jordan for long enough the man began to look confused. Then Brandon turned and faced Chloe. “I thought you were swamped with the restaurant,” he said.

“I do own the place, but that doesn’t mean I need to be handcuffed to it,” she said. She was shocked at how rude he was acting. She hadn’t seen him behave that way before. It was odd. Jordan definitely couldn’t ignore what was happening.

“Of course,” Brandon finally said. “Have a great night.” With that he turned and left, not going back to his table but walking out of the restaurant entirely. There was an awkward silence at his rude departure.

Finally Jordan spoke. “Is there something I’m missing here?” he asked. “I don’t want to be stepping on anyone’s toes.” He didn’t seem annoyed or jealous, simply curious at the rude behavior.

She shook off the strange meeting and smiled at Jordan. “There are no toes being stepped on. Brandon was talking with his uncle. Maybe it’s work stress,” she said with a bright smile. “But I’m sure that has nothing to do with us. He’s just a very busy man.”

“Sounds good,” he said, his smile back in place. He’d taken her explanation easily enough.

She told him she’d be right back and ran to the back room, going as quickly as possible, afraid Brandon might return.

She splashed her face and threw some fresh makeup on, then ran a brush through her hair and quickly changed into a skirt and blouse. It wasn’t ideal for a date, but it was the best she was going to do for the moment. She wanted to get out of there. She should’ve had him pick her up at home, but she’d been avoiding that. She wasn’t sure why.

She was only gone about fifteen minutes, but she felt much better when she emerged to find Jordan sitting at the bar, sipping on a glass of wine.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting,” she told him.

His smile never faltered as he looked at her and then whistled. “You’re worth waiting for,” he assured her. The look of appreciation in his eyes actually made her feel better. She didn’t feel too great at the moment. She hadn’t been out on a real date in a long time. She wasn’t sure if she even remembered what it was like.

Jordan lifted her hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles. She was disappointed when the gesture didn’t send butterflies to the pit of her stomach. Maybe it was just because she was nervous about Brandon or was being peevish. Brandon always gave her butterflies, but maybe her traitorous body would wake up by the end of the evening. Not that anything more than a kiss was going to happen. It was far too soon after being with Brandon. That was just wrong, in her book.

“You are very handsome,” she replied. He took her arm and led her outside, where he had a limo waiting. She stood there in shock. He was Copyright 2016 - 2024