Brandon (Anderson Billionaires #3) - Melody Anne Page 0,33

replied graciously. “We’re always glad to have you, as we know how busy you are.”

“Brandon Anderson,” Brandon said as he shook the pastor’s hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, son,” Pastor Bart said.

“You as well, sir,” Brandon replied.

“Shawn will show you around so you can get started right away,” Pastor Bart replied.

Chloe looked around the small facility with a bit of a broken heart. She was on a research mission, but she had wanted to find more good than she was finding. Maybe if they did this veterans project right in Cranston, other centers would follow suit and give more priority to all veterans. They certainly deserved it.

One good thing about their arrival was the fact that as soon as they’d walked in, the chatting had stopped since she and Brandon had gotten separated. He was put on serving duty, and she volunteered at the washing station. Because of the holidays, the church had come in and was giving out gifts to children of the veterans, and Chloe loved being there to watch the happiness on their faces. This was what the holidays were all about. She wasn’t sure what Brandon would think of it all.

But as the night passed them by, she noticed how he went from looking uncomfortable to seeming almost awed by it all. After the meal had been served, he helped pass out gifts, spoke to the veterans, and smiled at their young kids.

By the time they were finished, Chloe wasn’t sure what she was feeling, but the distance she was trying to keep between them was dissipating by the second. It was hard to stay away from him when she saw what a good man he was.

Even though the facilities needed to offer so much more, the men and women inside were grateful for anything they were given. Some of them were disabled, some suffering from horrific PTSD, and some were just there to be with other people who understood what they’d gone through. They all had stories to tell, and Brandon was more than willing to listen.

Beyond being willing, he appeared to truly enjoy talking to the men and women who’d served. He seemed to have a deep respect for what they’d done for their country. How could she keep distance from a man like that? She wasn’t sure she could. Her fear had always been that the more you found out about a person, the more flaws you saw. She hadn’t found flaws in him yet. What did that mean for everything she’d always believed?

When their night ended, he approached her, looking a bit sad, just as she felt, but also seeming more determined than ever to make things better for these people. He smiled down at her before they said goodbye to a few more people, then stepped outside the center. She was utterly exhausted. And Brandon hadn’t acted as she’d expected him to.

“Let’s have dinner,” he said as they approached her car. Chloe knew she should say no, but she couldn’t seem to voice the word.

Instead, she found herself nodding. Her heart nearly burst when Brandon looked as if he’d just won the lottery. She wasn’t as strong as she’d thought she was. Maybe she was beginning to want to please this man. Maybe she was starting to want to put that light of happiness in his eyes. Maybe it was time to quit fighting what she’d wanted since the moment she’d met him.

She wasn’t sure what it was, but she handed her keys to him to let him drive them back, and she climbed in the car, too tired and emotionally drained to do anything other than sit there and try to collect herself.

She was in a losing battle, and she normally didn’t allow herself to get into this sort of situation. Any game she played with Brandon would end with her losing. But if they both got what they ultimately wanted, wouldn’t that actually make them both victors?

It was too confusing to even try to comprehend. Instead, she leaned into her seat and closed her eyes. She was on a journey with Brandon whether she wanted to be there or not. She’d soon find out where they ended up.


Chloe sat in Brandon’s large kitchen, wondering how she’d gotten there and what she planned on doing about it. He was grabbing a dish from the refrigerator, and it made her smile to see him throw it in the microwave. He certainly wasn’t trying to impress her with his culinary Copyright 2016 - 2024