Boyfriend Bargain - Ilsa Madden-Mills Page 0,67

the guy with all the tattoos on his arms, the one who comes by to see you?”

She means Bennett. I shake my head. “Not him.”

“Then who?”

I tuck the card into my crossbody. “Just a friend.”

“Some friend.” She grins.

It felt wrong to say fuck buddy, but I don’t really know what we are.

“Would you mind if I left my book bag down here, took these to my room, and then came back? I can’t carry it all.”

She nods and dashes off to answer her phone, which is lying on the welcome desk.

Vase in hand, the gardenias nearly smothering me, I turn around just as a nasally voice calls my name. I have to peek around the huge arrangement to see who it is.

Veronica. Perfect. A long sigh slips through my lips.

“Well, well, well, looks like someone got the flowers.” A small tinkling laugh comes from her and an expression of extreme satisfaction settles on her carefully made-up face. “How lucky for me that I just happened to pop into Ellington to see a friend and I get to witness…” She waves her hands in my direction. “This.”

My body stiffens. “Excuse me?”

She leans on the counter. “The flowers—they’re from Z, right?”

“And if they are?” The weight of the vase makes my arms ache but I continue to stand there.

She brushes at a piece of lint on her black pea coat before looking back at me with piercing green eyes. “He sends them to all the girls, usually when he’s done.” She pauses, her brows raised. “I mean, for a moment, I thought he was seriously blindsided by you, but guess what—nope.”

My dad died and this is the comment that nearly brings me to my knees.

Is this why I haven’t heard from him?

She sniffs. “Hope you didn’t think you were special. Lots of girls do, you know. They think they’ll be the one to change him, but I’ve known him since prep school and this is the way he operates. Z is just looking for a good time.” She curls her lip. “Don’t take it personally, being the slut of the month.”

My skin goes white. I can feel the blood leaving it. My teeth clench. “Been called worse by better, Veronica.”

“Truth hurts. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up that this little thing between you two might last.” She shrugs.

I stare at her hard. This is a cat fight, and I smile a little because my mama taught me well. I know all the right words to say to defend myself from bitchy girls who think they’re better than someone from the trailer park.

I push out a tight smile. “You’re so jealous, and it’s sad, truly. My heart actually hurts for you.” I make a pout with my mouth. “Want to know why?”

Her confidence falters, and I can tell she doesn’t want to ask, but she can’t help it.


I smile. “He’s never going to pick you. If he were, he already would have.” I keep a little Southern in my voice when I say, “And, bless your heart, I would tell you to go fuck yourself right now for being a little bitch, but I don’t think you’d even enjoy it.”

It’s a great exit line, and I’m mentally high-fiving myself when she grabs my elbow, nearly causing the flowers to topple.

Her eyes flare, and if she were a dragon, I’d be seeing smoke. “You’re so beneath him, and the only reason he’s with you is you look like—”

“Is your drama going to have an intermission soon?” says a taut female voice, and I turn to see Julia standing there, arms crossed, face tired. “Because my friend and I have better things to do than talk to a backstabbing bag of shit like you.”

They know each other. It’s obvious from the twin set of daggers in each of their eyes. Julia is all up in the hockey stuff.

“Don’t you have some puppies to murder, Veronica? Run along now. No one wants you here,” Julia says.

Veronica, at first taken back by the sight of her, recovers as she leans in and turns to me. “He’s moved on, sweetheart. Face it.”

My heart flops. He’s moved on.

She tosses her hair over her shoulder and stomps out of the lobby.

Julia gives me a wry smile. “Ignore her. By the way, I’m a stripper. I almost told you the other night, but it wasn’t the right time.”

“I noticed you’ve been avoiding me. Oh, and I nearly saw your boobs, which might be okay since we’re roomies, Copyright 2016 - 2024