Boyfriend Bargain - Ilsa Madden-Mills Page 0,34

HU parking lot last fall. I’m not normally embarrassed by my lack of money, and I’m not now, but when I take in the new-looking black Escalade parked in his driveway and the silver Porsche next to it, I let out a laugh.

“What?” he asks.

I tilt my head toward the tiny car. “Which one of you guys drives the Porsche? I’m imagining you trying to fit inside it.”

He smiles. “Ah, that’s Reece’s. He likes his flash.” We stop at the truck door and he opens it for me. “By the way, there’s a party here next Thursday for Eric’s birthday. Be here at seven and plan on PDA. I don’t want people catching on that we’re pretend.”

My eyes flare.

“Is the idea of kissing me again so terrible?”

I feel color rising up my cheeks. “I really don’t like college parties. I’m a total introvert.”

He gives me an arched brow. “I need you on my arm to fight off the piranhas.”

My gaze goes behind him and Reece is watching us from the window, a scowl on his face. Eric is behind him, waving. He’s got another piece of pie in his hand.

Before I can analyze Reece and his odd reaction, Z helps me inside my vehicle carefully. Without brushing against me, almost as if he’s being careful with me, he reaches for my seat belt and leans over me to snap it. He smells all male, and his shirt clings to the taut muscles of his chest. My fingers itch to touch him, recalling how hard his body felt, toned to perfection.

“I can buckle myself,” I say, but I don’t mean it. Even though it’s dangerous to my heart, I like him doing this, like being near him. I hear the click of the metal latch.

“You’re my pretend girlfriend, and I need to practice. Plus, Reece is watching, and it’s probably annoying him. He ticked me off earlier.”

“Why is that?”

He rises up and considers me, his gaze searching my face carefully, as if he’s looking for something. We’re close, so close—

He touches my hair. “Just tell me you’ll come to the party.”

I close my eyes then reopen them.

He tugs at a strand, his voice lowering. “Say you’ll come, or I’ll kiss you right here.”

My eyes flare, going to his lips. I exhale. “Fine, but—”

Before I can move, he’s leaning in and barely touching his lips against mine. “Until next week, Miss Ryan.” He grins.

“You kissed me anyway! That’s one, with seven left,” I say, but his broad shoulders are already striding back inside the house. He tosses a hand up over his shoulder and walks in the door.


My hands grip the steering wheel and I sit for a minute, my lips tingling. I briefly reach up and touch them.

It was barely even a kiss.

So why does it feel so good?

What a risky game I’m playing, yet my elation is real. Freaking Zack Morgan just agreed to help me make my dreams come true—and it’s going to be a battle to keep him at arm’s length in this game of pretend.



Wearing orange skinny jeans and a cream fisherman sweater, Taylor waves his hand as Poppy and I arrive at the booth he’s been saving for us at the Tipsy Moose. A fashion major with medium brown skin, soft topaz eyes, high cheekbones, and wavy longish black hair, he’s the prettiest guy I know.

He air-kisses us both on the cheeks. “Ladies, my loves, it’s about bloody time you got here. I’m dying to hear all about Zack.”

Poppy returns his air kisses and I smile. The three of us have been friends since a tennis class freshman year where Poppy tripped over Taylor’s blinged-out sneakers, broke her foot, and had to wear a boot for three months. That was one of my favorite classes, and I still giggle when I think about Taylor prancing around in his white pleated tennis skort.

Steepling his fingers, he takes us both in and continues talking. “And to prepare us for this rare weeknight out together to celebrate Sugar’s boyfriend bargain, I already ordered two pink raspberry Cosmos, a shot of Patron Silver for Sugar, and a plate of cheese fries with bacon. Sugar, guac and chips are on the way too. It’s all I ate when Craig broke up with me last year, and I know it’s your go-to since you and Bennett are kaput.” He puts a hand over his heart. “Wherever Craig and Bennett are, I hope they’re both miserable, the little cheaters.”

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