Boyfriend Bargain - Ilsa Madden-Mills Page 0,27

language. Being able to read your opponent and your own teammates is key. You learn patterns of behavior to anticipate what’s coming, but with him, sometimes I don’t know what’s going on in his head.

Things are worse between us, have been on and off since our mom passed away my senior year and then Willow died. You would have thought that kind of grief would have brought us closer, but Reece is a loner, like me, and we internalize shit.

“Reece? You got something to say?” Yeah, I’m calling him on his attitude. I don’t need extra stress right now and if he’s got something to say, he needs to spit it out.

He looks away. “I get what you’re saying. I’m not at your level so I don’t have a clue. I’ll shut up.” He moves to stand, but I grab his elbow and pull him back.

“That isn’t what I meant.”

“But you were thinking it.”

“This isn’t about you, Reece. You’re not the one losing your shit. If Nashville finds out…” My voice trails off and I exhale. I love him, but fuck, he gets so caught up in how he isn’t as good as I am.

His lips compress and color blooms on his face. “Veronica said you were with a girl at the Kappa house and she looked like Willow. I saw her running down the stairs, and you were chasing after her.”

I rear back. Is this what’s got him knotted up? A girl?

“What I do is none of Veronica’s business.” I shake my head. “She’s trouble, brother. Beware.”

I picture the vivacious redhead with her hard green eyes. Veronica only cares about Veronica, and I know that because she’s been after me since Willow died. Last summer she even weaseled her way into a guys’ trip to Mexico, and when I came back to my room one night, she was in my bed stark naked, waiting for me. I sent her away and she’s been with toying with Reece ever since.

Reece frowns. “She’s just worried. Just be sure you aren’t using someone to work through your own shit. Don’t use some random girl to get over Willow.”

I tense up, thinking about Sugar today in her knit cap and cute glasses. Use her? Did I? I frown. I haven’t wrapped my head around what’s going on there yet.

“Did I hear someone mention a Kappa party?” Eric says as he stands, stretches, and breaks wind before heading into the kitchen. “Speaking of…who was the hot blonde at the party? There was some talk amongst some of the girls that she literally ran away from you. Damn, wish I’d seen it.”

Reece’s lips tighten, but I focus on Eric. Dude makes me laugh.

“Does everyone know my every move?” I say.

“Everyone wants a piece of the fame. You’re going to be loaded and playing in the NHL,” Eric says with a grin. He has his own little fandom of girls, so he gets it.

“They want this.” I indicate my upper torso, which is currently encased in a practice shirt from my workout at the gym.

Eric grins. “Ah, the fake bravado—a clear indication you got turned down. Crash and burn, huh?”

I shrug. “Meh. You win some, you lose some.” I’m not one to discuss my sexual exploits.

“Nice tits on her, though,” Eric says, and my brows knit together, irked by his comment.

Just then there’s a knock at the door.

“Pizza’s here!” Eric shouts then glances over at Reece, eyeing his underwear. “You gonna eat pepperonis in your zebra panties?”

Reece huffs and grabs his crotch. “I’ll show you a pepperoni.”

“Mine’s bigger than yours,” Eric calls out as Reece gets up and heads to his bedroom.

“You wish!” Reece shouts back before shutting his door.

“Bickering like two little old ladies,” I murmur, heading down the hallway to get the pizza.

But when I open the door, it’s not the pizza guy.

It’s her.

She’s here, standing at the bottom of the porch steps.



My chest feels like it’s taken a gunshot, which is weird, because I just saw her a few hours ago.

Sugar. I say her name in my head, and it’s just as sweet as she looks.

Tonight she’s wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, ankle boots with a heel, and a slightly cropped, snug pale blue fuzzy sweater that hugs the curves of her full breasts. Her face is oval-shaped, her skin perfect with a straight nose that has a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge. Her eyes are slightly upturned with dark brown brows arching over them, giving her an exotic look. Copyright 2016 - 2024