The Boy Who Has No Hope (Soulless #6) - Victoria Quinn Page 0,88

my fiancée behind my back and telling her to keep it a secret. That hurt more than Tabitha actually cheating on me.

Ryan studied my face. “Is that going to be a problem? Because I can not have him be in the wedding party, but he’ll still be invited to the wedding. So…”

I wouldn’t give Kevin any indication that the past still bothered me, and saying I didn’t want him to be in the wedding party would be an admission that his actions still bothered me…after all this time. “It’s fine, Ryan. Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you sure?” he asked. “Are you absolutely—”

“Absolutely.” I raised my hand. “It was a long time ago, and I couldn’t care less if he’s there or not.”

Ryan stared at me like he didn’t believe me.

“It’s your wedding. You should have exactly what you want.”

“But you’re my best friend, and my priority is you.”

I appreciated his loyalty more than I could express. “Thanks, but it’s fine.”

“Okay. But Tabitha will be there too…”

I suspected she might be, after what he’d told me about Kevin. Ryan and Camille still talked to both of them; Camille and Tabitha still had girls’ nights. They never mentioned her to me, but I knew they maintained their friendship with her. I never took it as a sign of disloyalty. “That’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“What’s the solution, Ryan?” I barked. “Not invite either one of them? It’s your wedding. You deserve to have whoever the fuck you want there. I’m a grown-ass man who can keep my shit together around two people who stabbed me in the back. Couldn’t care less. We’ll just avoid each other. Problem solved.”

Ryan stayed quiet for a while, withdrawing after my outburst. “I just… I would understand if you didn’t want to go—”

“Fuck that, Ryan. I’m coming. I’m not missing your big day. Stop worrying about me or those two dumb fucks. The only thing you need to think about is how awesome this day is going to be, that you’re marrying the love of your life, that I’m happy for you, and so are Kevin and Tabitha. So, stop stressing about our little soap opera. It was ten years ago. I’m over it, and I’m sure they are too.”

Ryan gave a slight nod. “Alright. Then it’s settled.”

I didn’t want to see either one of those motherfuckers ever again, and just the idea of being in the same room with them made me sick to my stomach. That night still haunted me, even after all this time. When Emerson became mine, all those problems seemed to go away. But being faced with this event made me realize how much it still bothered me, and I was fucking dreading it. I put on a good face for Ryan because I wanted my best friend to be happy, not focus on my discomfort.

“Are you going to bring your girlfriend?”

“Her name is Emerson—and yes.”


I’d definitely need my baby to get through this fucking nightmare.

“And one last thing, then I’ll drop it.”

I sighed loudly.

“Kevin has…asked about you a lot over the years. He’s thought about calling you. He still feels really terrible about what happened. I think he sometimes wonders if maybe you guys could be friends again.”

I laughed loudly because it was absolutely ridiculous. “No fucking way.”

“That’s what I told him. But I just wanted to let you know because he might try to talk to you.”

“Well, do him a favor and tell him not to. Because if he comes near me, I’ll break his fucking nose.” I grabbed my beer and took a drink, needing something stronger than beer at this moment.

Ryan studied me, concerned. “You sure you can do this?”

All my anger and rage immediately came rushing out, reminding me of the hurt they’d both caused me. I was humiliated in front of my entire family, in front of my fucking parents, in front of my friends. I had been so fucking dumb and naïve that I didn’t think twice about Kevin and Tabitha spending time together. But they were screwing behind my back, laughing at my stupidity. It wasn’t just the pain of losing the woman I loved because she wanted to fuck my best friend. It was the raw humiliation of it all unfolding around everyone in real time.


I’d forgotten about the question he asked me and redirected my gaze to him. “Yes. I can do it.”

Also by Victoria Quinn

Now that Derek knows the truth, everything is out in the open.

He still wants to be with me.

But I’m afraid this is temporary. I’m afraid he’ll change his mind. I’m afraid he’ll realize he’s not up for the task.

And I’ll lose both him...and my job.

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