Bound By Darkness Page 0,99

the better.

Passing the time with images of the perfectly groomed Nefri lying rumpled and sated with pleasure in his bed, Santiago was able to resist the urge to beat something or someone to a bloody pulp.

Almost as if he was actually civilized.


At last the heavy double doors of the Great Council were thrust open and Nefri stepped into the hallway, her perfect composure unable to disguise the concern that burned in her dark eyes.

Moving forward, he deliberately blocked her path with his larger body. She might be more powerful, but he wasn’t above fighting dirty.

She wasn’t getting away until he was satisfied that she’d revealed every word that had been exchanged behind closed doors.

“Well?” he prompted.

Her lips thinned, but she didn’t bother to pretend she didn’t know what he wanted.

“Gaius is no longer behind the Veil.”

Even expecting the words, Santiago stiffened in shock.

For centuries he’d refused to think of his sire, or to wonder what his life might be like with his new clan. But somewhere in the back of his mind had lurked the knowledge that Gaius was alive and well behind the Veil.

So why, after sacrificing his relationship with Santiago, not to mention all the others who depended on him, would he leave?

And why now?

Aware of Nefri’s piercing gaze, Santiago managed a humorless smile.

“I won’t tell you I told you so.”

“So kind,” she said dryly.

He folded his arms over his chest, barely noticing the hushed echo of footsteps as the remaining vampires spilled from the room and disappeared through the various passageways.

If they were truly as wise as was claimed, then they would know better than to interfere in his private conversation.

“Where is he?”

Her hands smoothed over her dark robes. “No one knows for certain.”


“Our people are not prisoners, Santiago.” There was a bite to her smooth words. Had he touched a nerve? “They are free to come and go as they please. That does not make him guilty.”

“When was he last seen?”

“Nearly a month ago.”

“A month?” he growled, his brows snapping together.


“And no one thought it was weird that he just disappeared ?”

“Our people are dedicated to their studies.” Her chin tilted. “It is not uncommon for us to seclude ourselves for weeks or even years.”

Freaking perfect.

If it was Gaius who had attacked Caine and Cassandra in Salvatore’s cellar and later kidnapped them from Caine’s home, then he had plenty of time to prepare a hidden lair where they would never find him.

Their only hope now was figuring out what the hell had prompted the vampire, who had been legendary for his brilliant intelligence and complete lack of political ambitions, to commit treason.

“Where’s his lair?”

Nefri’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Why?”

He made a sound of impatience. He wasn’t used to explaining himself. And he most certainly wasn’t used to asking for permission.

Even his clan chief, Viper, understood his need to be in charge.

Which no doubt explained why he sent him out of Chicago to run one of his numerous nightclubs.

“Because there might be some clue that can reveal his connection to the Dark Lord.”

Of course that couldn’t be the end of the matter.

He was beginning to suspect that the female would argue with him if he said the sun rose in the east.

“We have no proof there is any connection.”

“Hence the search.”

“Do you have no respect for personal boundaries?”

With a wicked smile he stepped forward, his head lowering until his lips were brushing softly against hers as he spoke.


Electric currents of pleasure jolted through him, his body clenching with a primitive need to haul her against the nearest wall and sate the hunger that was becoming an insistent, all-consuming ache.

She froze beneath his light touch, as if she was battling her own demons of need. Then with a deliberate motion, she pressed her hands against his chest and shoved him away.

“If you will follow me I will take you to Gaius’s lair.”

With precise movements she had stepped around him and was leading him past the marble columns to a wide marble staircase at the end of the hallway.

Santiago scowled as he followed behind. Her spine might be stiff beneath that long, silky curtain of dark hair and her muscles clenched beneath the flowing robes, but he hadn’t missed the pure feminine desire that had flared through her eyes before she had pushed him away.


Nefri, the freaking Queen of the Immortal Ones, was a complication he didn’t need.

Especially not now.

But when had lust ever struck when it was convenient?

And that’s what this was, he assured himself as they moved Copyright 2016 - 2024