Bound By Darkness Page 0,39

were natural-born enemies. And both species relished their mutual desire to exterminate the other. But for the past few months Salvatore and Styx had called an uneasy truce as they were forced to work together to halt the greater evil. The Anasso would skin Santiago alive if he screwed up the temporary treaty. “Unexpected arrival.”

Salvatore narrowed his gaze. “You expect me to believe you managed to sneak past my guards without assistance?”

Santiago deliberately glanced toward the silent Nefri. “Our arrival was unconventional, to say the least.”

The King of Weres turned to study the dark-haired vampire, giving a whistle as he took stock of her delicate beauty.

“Cristo.” He returned his gaze to Santiago. “She’s way out of your league, amico. Did she lose a bet or are you holding her hostage?”

Santiago scowled. Out of his league? Was he supposed to be insulted? Nefri was out of everyone’s league.

Not only was the female heart-meltingly beautiful with the sort of regal grace that made a man itch to tumble her on her back and kiss away that aloof perfection, but she was also proving to be intelligent, cultured, and surprisingly resourceful.

And oh yeah, there was a very real possibility that she was the most powerful creature walking the face of the earth.

Besides, even if he was idiotic enough to long for the exquisite, unattainable Nefri (which he most certainly was not) she was a member of a clan who thought they were superior to the common vampires.

Arrogant snobs.

“She’s an Immortal One,” he said, his voice carefully bland.

“Really?” Salvatore blinked in genuine shock. “I thought they were a myth.”

Santiago met Nefri’s dark gaze, childishly annoyed by her serene composure. Did nothing rattle her?

“Unfortunately they’re very real.”

“Unfortunately?” Salvatore shot him a glance filled with pure male disapproval. “Have you gone blind?”

“He is somewhat prejudiced,” Nefri explained, a mysterious smile curving her lips.

Salvatore moved toward the bewitching female, leaning close enough to draw in her exotic jasmine scent.

“Interesting,” he murmured.

Santiago didn’t even know he was moving until he was suddenly standing at Nefri’s side, his fangs bared in warning.

To hell with the treaty.

If Salvatore touched Nefri he was a dead dog.

“Stay back.”

The golden eyes briefly glowed as the wolf sensed a direct challenge; then with a sudden laugh the Were stepped back.

“Feeling a little possessive, are you, Santiago?” he mocked.

Possessive? Of course he wasn’t possessive. He adored women. All women. And they adored him. But he was a firm believer in the more the merrier.

It was just ...

Mierda, he didn’t know what it was, but he did know that Salvatore was annoying the crap out of him.

“I doubt your mate would be pleased to know you spend your days sniffing other women.”

Salvatore’s smile widened, as if sensing Santiago’s strange reaction.

“And you’re concerned for my marriage? How thoughtful.”

Nefri smoothly stepped between the two bristling men, giving a small dip of her head.

“I offer my apologies, Your Majesty,” she said. “It was not my intent to trespass upon your territory.”

Salvatore’s gaze remained trained on Santiago. “A leech with manners? Isn’t that an oxymoron?”

“Such a big word for such a mangy dog,” Santiago said.

With a lethal swiftness, all sense of amusement was wiped from Salvatore’s handsome face to reveal the true predator beneath.

“How did you get here?” he demanded.

Seemingly realizing that playtime was over, Nefri reached to brush her fingers over the medallion hung around her neck.

“I have the power to travel between worlds.”

“Like a Jinn?”

“It is similar, although my powers come from the medallion and not my innate abilities.”

Salvatore’s eyes narrowed, clearly not comforted by her explanation.

“A nice trick,” he growled. “Perfect for an ambush.”

“I do try not to abuse the skill,” Nefri assured him.

“If you didn’t abuse the skill then you wouldn’t be in my very private wine cellar, would you?”

“Watch your tone, Salvatore,” Santiago snapped.

Nefri waved her slender hand. “He has a right to answers.”

“More than a right,” Salvatore corrected, his inner beast prowling close to the surface. “In fact, let’s pretend your lives depend on your explanation.”

“As you are perhaps aware, Santiago is searching for the seer,” Nefri answered before Santiago could tell the King of Mutts exactly where he could shove his threats. “I have come in search for Cassandra as well.”

“And you think I have her hidden in my wine cellar?”

“Do you?” Santiago asked. “It would certainly explain ...”

“Gentlemen, please,” Nefri gently protested.

“Gentlemen?” Salvatore snorted. “He’s a cold-blooded bastard who will kill on a whim.”

“And you’re a mangy prick who likes to play Dr. Frankenstein.”

Nefri’s power swirled through the air with just enough Copyright 2016 - 2024