Bound By Darkness Page 0,3

of this female.

Hell, her merest touch had made him go up in flames.

And it pissed him off.

Unlike most of his brethren, he didn’t allow his passions to rule his life.

He ruled his passions.

A grim reminder that didn’t do a damned thing to stop the heat that scorched through his blood as her indigo gaze skimmed over his lean body, which he’d left bare except for a loose pair of dojo pants.

Bloody hell.

His gut tightened and his cock hardened. From a mere glance.

What the hell would happen if he spread her across the nearby bed and ...

The vampire stiffened, no doubt sensing his explosive desire. Then, with a visible effort, she narrowed those magnificent eyes and wrapped herself in a frigid composure.

“You.” The word was coated in ice.

“ Me.”

She stood proudly, acting as if she didn’t notice she was currently chained to the wall.

“Why did you kidnap me?”

He shrugged, not about to admit the truth.

He didn’t have a goddamned clue why he’d grabbed hold of her as he escaped through the portal that had brought them from the frozen caves of Siberia to this hidden island. He only knew his reaction to the female was dark and primal and dangerously possessive.

“You held me captive,” he instead drawled. “Fair is fair.”

“As if a Sylvermyst would know the meaning of fair.”

His smile held no apology. “Haven’t you heard the old saying that ‘all’s fair in love and war’?” He allowed his gaze to lower to the enticing curve of her breasts, lust jolting through him at her revealing shiver. “We could no doubt add a few more activities to the list.”

“Release me.”

“What’s wrong, poppet? Are you afraid I intend to have my evil way with you?” He deliberately paused. “Or hopeful?”

“You at least got the evil part right.”

He stepped close enough to be teased by her seductive musk that was at such odds with her image of a cold, ruthless hunter.

But then, everything about this female was ... complex.


“You know, there’s no reason for the two of us to be enemies.”

“Nothing beyond the fact that I was hired by the Oracles to capture you.” Her smile was frigid. “Oh yeah, and your psycho attempts to kill two helpless children.”

“Helpless?” Frustration flared through him. “Those abominations are the vessels of the Dark Lord and if Tearloch manages to use the child to resurrect the master then you can blame yourself for unleashing hell.”

She ignored his warning. Just as she’d ignored it in the Siberian cave when he’d done his best to put an end to the danger.

He’d been prepared to do what was necessary, but because of the damned vampires, one of the babies had been stolen by his clan brother Tearloch, along with the mage. Now he had to pray he could track them down before they could resurrect the Dark Lord and rip open the veils that held back the hordes of hell.

“I’m not being paid to save the world. I’m being paid to hand your ass over to the Commission.”

Ariyal frowned at the unwelcome reminder.

The Commission was a collection of Oracles who were the big cheeses of the demon world. It was always bad news when they decided you were worthy of their notice.

Especially if they were willing to pay the exorbitant fee to hire a vampire Hunter to collect him.


“Don’t know. Don’t care. It’s just a job.”

He leaned forward until they were nose to nose. “It feels a lot more personal than just a job.”

For a breathless moment raw hunger flared through her eyes, making his body clench with anticipation. Oh, hell yes. Then, just as swiftly, the glimpse of emotion was gone.

“Get over yourself.”

“I’d rather be over you.”

“Back. Off.”

Ariyal shivered at the sharp chill that suddenly blasted through the air.

Dammit. One minute the woman had him drowning in lust and the next she could give a fire pixie frostbite.

“Fine.” He stepped back, his smile tight with annoyance. “I hope you’re comfortable, poppet. You’re here to stay.”

Her wary glance skimmed around the room that was ornately decorated in shades of gold and ivory.

“Where is here?”


She hissed in shock. “Impossible.”

“Such a dangerous word.”

“The mists are impenetrable.” Her cold arrogance remained, but there was a hint of wariness in her eyes. “Unless they were destroyed by the death of Morgana le Fey?”

His lips twisted in a humorless smile. “They survived, but I didn’t waste centuries as the bitch’s sex slave just looking beautiful. I discovered a secret exit centuries ago.”

She studied him in silence and Ariyal hid a sudden grimace. A Hunter Copyright 2016 - 2024