Bound By Blood Anthology - Cora Reilly Page 0,93

chest, even though it had stilled. Coco let out a low whine. I stroked her ears and neck, trying to comfort her.

Wetness hit my cheek and I looked up, expecting rain until I realized I was crying. Neither Coco nor I moved from Bandit’s side until sunrise. Then I began digging a hole and buried my friend. Coco curled up on the grave and I stayed at her side, stroking her soft fur.

I reduced my workload drastically in the following days and Cara stayed with Coco whenever I couldn’t, but like Bandit, Coco waited until I was home before she too fell asleep forever in my arms on Bandit’s grave. I buried her beside him, so they’d forever be at each other’s side.

Taking a deep breath and dragging myself out of the past, I followed the joyful screams of the boys into the yard. The sight before me quieted the violent vibes in my body. Cara sat on the lawn with our dogs, and our boys played with each other.

They looked carefree and happy, something I’d never experienced as a child. Maybe that was why it had taken some convincing on Cara’s part before I could see that Maximus and Primo looked like me. They had my eyes and sharp features, but Cara’s hair color. My face as a boy had never been filled with so much joy, so recognizing my facial features in them took imagination.

Maximus and Primo spotted me at the same time, and before Cara who was petting Buddy and Daisy.

I opened my arms and squatted. Seconds later both boys flew into my arms, almost causing me to fall back. They were growing so fast. I stood, lifting them up.

Cara glanced over her shoulder and smiled. I walked over to her. Buddy and Daisy wagged their tails excitedly. Cara stood and pressed a kiss to my lips, searching my eyes. The darkness in them wouldn’t completely be gone yet. It took a while, especially after particularly brutal days like today. “Why don’t you play with the boys for a bit? Then I can finish my workout.”

I nodded, grateful that she knew I needed to take my mind off things and didn’t want to talk. With another smile, Cara turned and headed back to the patio with the dogs at her heels. She was dressed in only tight workout shorts and a tank, looking ready to be devoured.

“Carousel!” Maximus exclaimed, drawing my attention back to my boys.

I set Primo down despite his protest, grabbed Maximus’ hands and started spinning. Afterward, it was Primo’s turn. I kept playing carousel until I was dizzy and had to lie down, which the boys used to climb on top of me and try to tackle me.

Cara watched us for a long time until she finally went inside, probably to have a post-workout snack and take a shower.

Primo yawned and Maximus, too, looked tired. “Time for your afternoon nap.”

“No!” both cried but I picked them up and carried them inside. Soon they quieted.

Tiredness usually won out after we played together. The boys still shared a room because they slept better with company. Once they were both tucked in, I closed their door and stalked into Cara’s and my bedroom. The shower was still running and when I stepped into the bathroom, everything was fogged up. Cara’s eyes were closed as she let the water rain down on her. I shrugged out of my clothes and prowled toward her, my cock already hardening. Cara’s eyes peeled open a second before my fingers curled around her throat and my lips crashed down on hers for a harsh kiss. I pressed her against the tiles, my tongue thrusting into her surprise widened mouth and my cock digging against her stomach. Her nails trailing over my chest, she sank down. My fingers tangled in her hair and guided her head toward my cock. She took me into her mouth. I braced myself against the tiles, breathing harshly as I watched her work my length.

I pulled her to her feet and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my hips immediately. With a hard thrust, I impaled her on my length as I pressed her against the wall.

I lost all sense of time as I slammed into Cara and soon the violence of the day was nothing but a distant echo. When Cara’s muscles clenched around me and she came with a cry, I let loose as well. Eventually we both stood under the spray, breathing harshly, wrapped in each other’s arms.

“Better?” Cara asked quietly.

“You and the boys are the antidote to my rage. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

She took my hand and led me out of the shower. We towel dried quickly before we slipped into our bed. Cara stroked my chest. “You won’t ever be without us. You’re stuck with me and our boys.”

The End

Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles:

Luca Vitiello

(Luca’s POV of Bound By Honor)

Bound by Honor

(Aria & Luca)

Bound by Duty

(Valentina & Dante)

Bound by Hatred

(Gianna & Matteo)

Bound By Temptation

(Liliana & Romero)

Bound By Vengeance

(Growl & Cara)

Bound By Love

(Luca & Aria)

Bound By The Past

(Dante & Valentina)

Bound By Blood


The Camorra Chronicles:

Twisted Loyalties

(Fabiano & Leona)

Twisted Emotions

(Nino & Kiara)

Twisted Pride

(Remo & Serafina)

Twisted Bonds

(Nino & Kiara)

Twisted Hearts

(Savio & Gemma)

Twisted Cravings

(Adamo & Dinara)

Mafia Standalones:

Sweet Temptation

Fragile Longing

Contemporary Romance:

Only Work, No Play

Not Meant To Be Broken

Cora is the USA Today bestselling author of the Born in Blood Mafia Series, the Camorra Chronicles and many other books, most of them featuring dangerously sexy bad boys. She likes her men like her martinis—dirty and strong.

Cora lives in Germany with a cute but crazy Bearded Collie, as well as the cute but crazy man at her side. When she doesn’t spend her days dreaming up sexy books, she plans her next travel adventure or cooks too spicy dishes from all over the world. Copyright 2016 - 2024