Bound By Blood Anthology - Cora Reilly Page 0,67

forward to a taste of my old life.”

Luca chuckled. “Knock yourself out. These bikers think they are tough.” He motioned toward the back of the warehouse and walked ahead. Behind heaps of old tires, two guys, maybe in their early twenties, were bound to chairs. Someone had roughened them up a bit; busted lips, a few scratches here and there, and already forming bruises. Nothing major. Not yet.

I gave them a grin and pulled my knife from its holster.

Growl leaned against the bare stone wall to my left, inked arms crossed and that stoic expression on his face that belied his violent nature. He nodded my way and I returned the gesture but quickly focused my attention back to our two captives.

One look at them told me they weren’t the sharpest knives in the cupboard. That wasn’t a surprise. The MCs often scraped their recruits from the bottom of society.

I doubted these guys knew anything of worth about the men we really wanted to have intel on: Earl White and his nephew Maddox. But cutting them up and sending them back to the bikers sent them a message even those redneck idiots must understand at some point.

Luca leaned against the wall beside Growl. I wouldn’t argue if they wanted me to do all the work. I couldn’t wait.

I chose the bulkier, braver looking first. Usually I kept the hard nuts for last, but I was too eager to prolong the fun.

It was early evening when I came back home. I hadn’t stayed longer than necessary, not wanting to abandon Gianna. The penthouse was quiet and the lights were out. I set the takeout bags down on the kitchen counter and went in search of my wife and daughter.

Wife and daughter…

Who would have thought I’d ever have a small family?

Following a dim light into the bedroom, I found Gianna. She was curled up on her side on top of the covers in our bed, fast asleep. Isa was stretched out beside her, protected by Gianna’s body and a pillow. I walked over to them, and as if she could sense me, Isa opened her eyes and began squirming. Careful to be quiet, I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

Dealing with the bikers had been fun, something I couldn’t live without, but returning home to Isa and Gianna, it was the peaceful harbor I now craved in a way I’d have never thought possible. I’d always made fun of Luca for his split personality: the loving father and husband, and the batshit crazy, brutal Capo, but I got it now.

Gianna stirred, rolling over onto her back and eyes fluttering open. She was in my sweats and T-shirt, looking completely disheveled. Slowly her gaze focused on me. “What time is it?”

“Almost eight,” I said. “I got sushi for us.”

She sat up. “You’re early. I thought you’d use your chance to have some freedom.”

She pushed to her feet with a groan. “Fuck, I feel old.”

I grinned. “I’m glad I won’t be the only one teaching Isa curse words.”

Gianna huffed and leaned against me. I bent down and kissed her but Isa interrupted us with a wail. “I think she’s hungry too. I’ll nurse her and then we can have sushi.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

I handed Isa to Gianna before I headed back downstairs and set up the coffee table. Thirty minutes later Gianna came downstairs, dressed in shorts and a tank. Her belly was still slightly curved but she still looked sexy to me.

She sank down on the couch beside me. “You got me Kombucha?”

“Yep, your favorite brand.”

Gianna took a sip before she started digging in. After we were done, Gianna settled in my arm on the couch and we watched Walking Dead. I still didn’t understand why she had no trouble watching it considering her aversion to bloodshed. Judging by the silence of the baby monitor, Isa was soundly asleep.

I stroked Gianna’s thigh. We hadn’t shared any kind of intimacy in four weeks and I was slowly starting to get horny. Gianna hadn’t made a move yet, which was unusual. In the past, she’d been a very active partner, but of course I remembered Luca’s words.

She gave me a disbelieving look. “I don’t even remember the last time I shaved.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll find what I’m looking for.”

She let out an exasperated laugh. “You’re impossible.”

I shrugged. “I’m horny. You know how much you turn me on.”

Gianna searched my face. “I can’t believe I still Copyright 2016 - 2024