Bound to the Battle God - Ruby Dixon Page 0,90

to just how well built he is. He's a god. Of course he's going to be well built. If I were a god, I'd make sure I had a kick-ass body too. No sense being a total slob. Still…he's a god of battle and thunder. Did he have to be so damn sexy? I bite back a stab of irritation and make my movements more brisk. There is no sense in being attracted to this guy. None.



He flexes, rolling his shoulders as if working the muscles out, and the breath catches in my throat, because…damn. That one sensual movement just made my brain fry. Aron tilts his head back and forth, working his neck muscles, and then shakes his head, his long, dark mane flapping right in my face.

That kills the attraction a little, I admit. "I hope you know you're going to do your own front," I tell him defensively.

"Am I?" He sounds amused, and I can feel my cheeks heating. "It wasn't too long ago you couldn't keep your hands off my cock."

Grr. He would have to bring that up. I throw the towel into the bathwater. "Fuck you, I'm done for now."

Aron only laughs and takes the cloth up, washing himself with oddly awkward movements. "You are too easily offended."

"Maybe I'm the one wanting a bath considering you've been telling me for days how bad I smell."

"You can have the water soon enough…unless you'd like to climb in here with me?" He looks over his shoulder at me, and it's less of a sexy invite and more of a challenge.

I think.

Either way, no. "One, there's no room, and two, the only thing I want to do with you and that water is hold your head under until you twitch."

He throws his head back and roars with laughter. Nothing like a little murder humor to amuse a god, I guess. It's hard to stay mad at him when he's laughing, though, and I move to the edge of the bed and sit there, picking through the bedding we've been given. It's scratchy and full of small holes but seems to be clean enough.

"So we're staying here for a few more days? I kind of hate this place,” I say.

"It is not my favorite, either," he admits, rubbing the soap along one corded arm. "Dirty hovels built atop the ruins of a once-glorious civilization."

"Oh? So Katharn was not always Katharn?" I guess Rome went through several iterations itself. It shouldn't be surprising to me.

"No. Long ago it was part of a grand empire. This place was once called Suuol and it was one of many great cities ruled by the Mephisians. The Mephisians were fierce warriors who took over all of this land by might. This land and everything surrounding the sea was dotted with temples in my name and that of Kassam, Lord of the Wild. They conquered people after people, and a great many wars were fought in my name." He leans his head back, contemplative. "I miss those days."

"What happened to them? Why'd they end?"

He shrugs. "All empires get too large and crumble from within. When the last Anticipation happened, the magnificent kingdom was splintered and lords fought each other over petty land squabbles." He looks thoughtful. "That was the last I saw of Kassam, as well."

"Kassam? The other god?" I can feel my eyebrows rise high. "You mean not everyone returns from this little trek you guys are doing?"

"Not always, no. I assumed that he had not finished whatever lesson he was intended to learn." Aron shrugs and gets to his feet, water sluicing off his pale body into the tub. "He always was hard-headed."

"I don't know anyone like that," I say dryly and offer him one of the towels from the pile of linens.

He turns to me and grins, wrapping it around his hips and then stepping out. "He will turn up eventually, Faith. When it is his time, he will return to the heavens."

"Mmm. You done with the tub?" My skin's starting to itch just thinking about how dirty I am. When he nods, I get to my feet and start stripping off my layers. I'm past the point of caring if he sees me naked, or if the water's warm, or even if it's clean. I just want to wash my damn hair and get half of the grime out of it. I'd be real happy with half. When I'm naked, I plop into the water and then reach over and add Copyright 2016 - 2024