Bound to the Battle God - Ruby Dixon Page 0,72

the tale of Queen Natasha. She came from another world and conquered the Fair Plains back before it became the kingdom of Yshrem. She ruled for thirty years…twenty? No, I'm pretty sure it's thirty." He frowns absently and flips through the book. "Maybe twenty-three…"

I put down the bit of fruit in my hand. "Natasha…she was from Earth?"

"Where?" He looks up at me, peering.

"Earth? That's where I'm from."

"I thought you said you were from Shago."

"No, no, I'm from the city of Chicago. State of Illinois. Country of the United States. Planet Earth."

"Oh. Goodness." He beams at me. "You'll have to tell me all that again later so I can record it. How very fascinating. This world is Aos, if you do not know. I have never heard of Earth.” He picks up the book and flips through it again. As for Natasha, it's not stated where she's from, just that she came from a place beyond all lands. She said it was another world, but there are varying theories on such things. From what I hear, she was a very good queen. Very learned. There are a few books about her, I think, but I don't have any in this library." He looks wistful. "They're probably all forgotten in some Yshremi library." He closes the book and smiles at me. "My point is that while it is unusual, it is not the first time I have heard of such a thing."

"That's amazing." I'm actually ready to cry I'm so relieved. Someone else has heard of my situation. "I thought I'd be stuck here forever. Do the books say if there's a way to get home?"

Omos blinks at me. "Go home? But you are Aron's anchor. You can't leave. Not until he ascends once more."

Obviously there's a piece of information or three that we're missing between us. "Ascends. Back to Heaven or wherever he's from?"

"The Aether, that's correct."

"Can you tell me more about this? Like why a god's been booted out of Heaven? And what we have to do to get him back there?"

"Oh goodness, yes. Of course." Omos clutches the book to his chest, looking rapturous. "This is the Anticipation. It's finally upon us once more. It's a time when the twelve minor gods must account for their sins to the High Father."

"So…this has happened before?"

"Twice before in recorded history, and it was foretold that it would come once more. We have always celebrated the Anticipation every year, but I don't think anyone truly expected it to happen now. These are troubling times."

For a man that lives in troubling times, he looks really darn pleased. "But you're not surprised. At least, you don't seem so."

"Me? No. I saw the moon fade like the prophecies foretold three days prior to the Anticipation and knew it'd be upon us."

"Prophecies?" When he gets to his feet, no doubt to look for another book, I grab his arm. "Wait. I don't care about the prophecies. Just keep telling me more about the Anticipation." If he goes to hunt for another book, I'm going to be here all damn day long and I'm finally getting answers. I don't want to be interrupted by anything at all. "What's this about accounting for sins? And there are twelve gods roaming the earth right now?"

He settles back down on his seat. "Well, no, not exactly. If this is going how the prophecies have told, then I imagine there are forty-four Aspects wandering about our lands."

Wait, forty-four? "I thought you said there were twelve gods? Aron—"

"Is an Aspect," Omos tells me, and gets to his feet again. "I have the perfect book to show you. I'll be right back."

I sigh and let him go, taking another large bite of food. Might as well eat. This could be a while.


I eat as I hear Omos puttering around in his books. He's humming to himself, and it's clear that even though he lives alone here, his books are all the company he needs. It's kind of sweet. An “Aha” comes from the far end of the building, and then the monk returns to my side a few moments later with another beautifully bound, oversized book. He sets it down on the bed and flips through it.

"The last time the gods were outcast in an Anticipation, there were forty-four Aspects cast down from the heavens. The High Father is pure and just, of course. He is immortal and eternal. The other gods are eternal but not immortal, since they were born of human Copyright 2016 - 2024