Bound to the Battle God - Ruby Dixon Page 0,195

groans loudly, and the others flop down on the pale shoreline and I know the reality of it—they’re exhausted. No one can keep up with Aron. He’s immortal and has had millennia to hone his battle tactics. They’ve tried every way they can to slow him down, from tying him to Kerren’s back while blindfolded to binding his fingers together, and he still won. Each and every time, he wins. He smiles that arrogant, heartbreakingly gorgeous smile of his, and then glances up to see if I’m watching him.

But when they take a break? He comes to see me.

Aron arrives, sweaty and covered in sand, and pulls me into his arms. “My body craves another kind of battle right now,” he murmurs, sliding a hand under my dress. “Luckily I have the fairest anchor in six kingdoms to please me…” His words trail off and he frowns. “What’s wrong?”

I feign ignorance. “Wrong? Nothing’s wrong.”

“You look upset.”

“I’m totally not upset,” I lie. I don’t want to explain to him why I really am upset. That I’m terrified of losing him. That not only will I lose the man I love, but I’ll lose my life and whatever afterlife I had planned.

His eyebrows furrow and he puts a finger under my chin, tipping my face up so he can study it. “We were simply sparring—you know I would not get hurt. I cannot get hurt.”

“I know.”

Aron frowns at me for a moment longer, and then realization flickers over his face. “Ahhh. You are jealous of the time I’ve spent with the men. That’s it, isn’t it?”

It’s the most absurd and arrogant thing and a laugh bubbles up inside me, because it’s so typically Aron to say that. “No!”

“Yes,” he agrees, grinning. “Do not worry, my lovely Faith. You have my undivided attention, I promise you. Shall I spend all night in your bed so you can have your way with me?” He leans in and nips at my mouth.

I don’t know if I want to laugh or cry. “Have my way with you, you say?”

His eyes gleam. “You can tie me down and we can pretend I’m your anchor and you’re the fierce goddess who must lick my cock for endless hours to sate herself.”

I snort. “This sounds suspiciously like a male fantasy.”

“Of course it is. But you’d still enjoy it.” His hands fasten on my ass and he holds me close, twirling me slightly on the balcony and grinning. I can’t help but smile back at him, and my heart is aching.

I want this moment—this silly, ridiculous moment—to last forever.

But I have a terrible feeling it’s all about to come to an end.


Nothing comes to an end for weeks, though. We pass another two glorious, lazy weeks in the Spidae’s keep, and the men spar on the beach every day while Yulenna and I chitchat about nothing in particular. Aron is true to his word, though—when he’s not sparring and speaking of moves and discussing battle plans for troops he doesn’t have—Aron’s with me. He’s as thoughtful and kind a lover as he is brutal and magnificent.

I’m head over heels in love with the big guy. I’ve never been so happy. Those two weeks pass in an instant.

One morning I wake up, though, and I immediately know something’s wrong. Aron’s not in bed with me, and at first I think he’s out sparring with the men. It’s awfully quiet, though, so they must be talking strategy or discussing plans. I get dressed, slip on a pair of shoes, and head to the balcony so I can watch.

But Aron’s on the balcony, much to my surprise.

“Oh, hey, you’re up here? No practice today?” I move forward and slide my hand into the crook of his arm, pressing a kiss to his bicep.

“Not today.”

There’s something in his tone that seems…off. He doesn’t look at me, doesn’t give me one of those heart-melting smiles, doesn’t even act like his normal arrogant self. He just puts his hands on the balcony ramparts and stares out at the wide, gray lake.

“Aron?” I ask again, starting to get worried. For the first time, I notice that his long hair is slightly disheveled, as if he hasn’t brushed it or run his fingers through it after getting out of bed. His clothing looks like what he wore yesterday, wrinkled and the laces undone. I notice he’s got no shoes on his feet.

This isn’t like him at all.

“I’m fine, Faith. Go back to bed.”

I playfully run my fingers up Copyright 2016 - 2024