Bouncer by Kim Jones Page 0,9

me. “Do you want me to fuck with you? Seems like you’re in need of some comedic relief this morning. Why you look so stressed? Wanna talk about it? I’m a great listener.”

“We met last night. You don’t remember?”

She shrugs. “I drink a lot. Sometimes I forget things.”

“You get so drunk you black out and don’t remember shit? Do you know how unsafe that is?”

Her lips turn down in a pout and she puts her hand to her chest. “Awe. You’re worried about me.”

I let out a bark of laughter at the absurdity of this bitch. “I can assure you that my focus is not your safety.” I run my hand over my short hair and lock eyes with the girl across the room.

Nope. Not her either.

Where are you, gorgeous?

“What is your focus?” I turn back to Apple to find her gloved fingers spread out over her chest. “Is it my tits? Are these what you’re focusing on?”

My temper flares. I’m a millisecond from telling her off when North shows up. “Mornin’. Sleep good?”

His good mood does nothing to improve mine. When he winks at Apple and takes the cup of coffee she offers him, I snap. “Who the fuck is she?” North turns to face me and slowly looks from me to her. My leg bounces nonstop in an effort to release the pent-up energy as I wait for his reply.


“Yes, fucking Apple,” I seethe, spitting the words through my teeth.

“Um. She works here?”

I stiffen. “Are you asking me because you don’t know?”

“She’s the one who makes it possible for you to sit on a toilet that isn’t covered in piss,” Sly says, walking up and taking the cup Apple extends to him. “Thank you, doll.” He takes a seat and lifts his eyes to me. When he notices how angry I am, he grins.

“I don’t like her,” I deadpan. It’s an asshole thing to say in front of her. She’ll be hurt by my words. Maybe even cry. And I don’t fucking care. Still, I can’t stop my eyes from glancing over at her to see her reaction. Now, I’m really pissed.

She’s not hurt. She’s smiling at me. Genuine happiness on her annoying fucking face.

“You’re gonna love me, best friend. Whether you want to or not.” She picks up the coffee pot and refills North’s cup.

I ignore her. Women hate that. And it’s obvious that nothing I say will shut her up. Maybe my silence will. I turn to Sly. “Saw you came in from outside. You checked on Boots this morning?”

Sly nods. “Yeah. He’s dead on his feet. But he’s still got your cut in a death grip. I got too close earlier and the fucker actually growled at me.”

I’d laugh if I wasn’t so pissed at the woman eavesdropping on our conversation. And I didn’t miss how Sly’s words startled her.

What the hell is that about?

She fucking Boots?

If he’s with her, maybe he’s not the Brother I thought he was going to be.

“I’m heading out there now. I need to talk to him about some shit anyway.” I level her with a look.

“What was your name again?” she asks. Her behavior is suspicious. I don’t like it. So I walk away. Just before I slam the door behind me, I hear North telling her what I wouldn’t.

“That’s Kings of Carnage Nomad Bouncer.”



Sometimes I lie.

Like when I told that prick I met last night that I didn’t remember him, I lied. When I told him we were going to be best friends, I lied. And when I told myself that the Nomad I came all over last night was long gone by now, I lied.

He’s not gone.

He’s here.

And he couldn’t be a bigger asshole.

How did I ever allow him to touch me?

He’s rude. And hateful. And a jerk. But man is he fine. He’s shorter than some of the other guys, but carries himself like he’s a foot taller than everyone in the room. He’s wide across the chest, narrower through the hips and has an ass that any girl can appreciate. He wears a hat, but there’s no denying he has that traditional military style haircut. And those baby blue eyes….


I jump and the coffee pot nearly slips from my hand. “Shit!”

Sly frowns. “What’s got you so jumpy, doll?”

“How long is Bouncer staying?” I blurt.

He lifts a brow. “A while. That a problem for you?”

“Would it matter if it was?”

He shrugs. “Not really, but now you have me curious.”

I sip my drink to avoid saying anything Copyright 2016 - 2024