The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,84

forward to spending time with the two of you.


Mr. Boss Man

My heart swells at the sight of his words, and I shake my head, reminding myself to rein my emotions in.

My phone rings, and I’m quick to answer it.

“Guess what!”

It’s Claudia.

“What?” I ask, curious.

“Mr. Dark & Mysterious sent me beautiful flowers and chocolates. They arrived just this morning.”

“Really?” I say, surprised.

“He thanked me on the note,” she clarifies, “for looking after Ethan, and for giving you two the night together.”

“Wow.” I’m speechless.

“That guy is all class,” she goes on. “He’s definitely a keeper.”

I smile. “Yes, I think so too.”

Patricia and Ethan are watching SpongeBob SquarePants and laughing their heads off when I get home. I drop my briefcase, slip off my heels, and join them in the living room. SpongeBob is desperately trying to get Gary, his pet snail, to take a bath.

It’s pretty funny.

Ethan lunges at me, and we share a big hug. “Miss you so much, little buddy.”

“So how was your day?” Patricia asks.

“It was great.” More than great. “Busy.” Of course I don’t tell her about Weston calling me into his office and having his way with me on his desk again. He’d requested that I wear thigh high stockings and when he saw them, he went crazy for them. Regretfully, there was no bum biting this time.

I’m careful to pull my skirt down as I take a seat on the sofa. I don’t want Patricia to notice the laced trim on my thigh highs. She might wonder why I’m wearing such sexy stockings to work.

I stare at the screen and watch SpongeBob’s antics, but I’m not really paying attention. I’m thinking about my relationship with Weston. I’ve kind of been in denial about the whole thing, but we really are in a relationship. And I should be open about it. Most people in my life already know, Rosetta and my friends that is.

Ethan giggles loudly. I love the sound of his laugh.

“So Patricia,” I start. “I wanted to talk to you about something.”

She turns to me, curious. “Yes?”

“I’ve kind of been seeing someone,” I tell her.

Her eyes widen. “Oh…”

I smile. “You look surprised.”

“I am,” she admits. “I thought you were too busy with work.”

“Well, that’s just it,” I go on. “I’m seeing my boss.”

“Your boss?”

“I know… it’s kind of crazy.”

She smiles. “Well, it’s not usually recommended, is it?”

“Nope… not usually,” I admit. “But since this is only a six month contract, I think we can get away with it. And so far, it hasn’t caused us any problems.”

“And your job is secure?” she asks, concerned.

“Yes, very. I signed an agreement.” I stifle a smile as I think about the contents of said agreement. If Patricia saw it, she’d probably be appalled beyond repair. If only she knew what I’ve been up to. Thank God she doesn’t.

“And he’s a good man?” she asks.


“Is he good to Ethan?”

“Yes. Very. Ethan loves him. We’re actually all going to the aquarium this Saturday.”

She strokes the top of Ethan’s head. “I’m happy for you,” she finally says. “I think it’s time for you to move on, Gretchen. Just be careful… take it slow. Your heart is still raw.”

My insides warm. I didn’t realize how much I craved her approval until now. And her advice is spot-on. “Thank you, Patricia.”

“Well, when do I get to meet this lovely man?”

I smile. “Soon. I’ll ask him to come over with me after work sometime.”

“Sounds like a plan,” she says. “I can’t wait.”


Weston calls me into his office as soon as I get to work. I’m happy to get away from my desk since Rosetta is busy arguing over the phone with one of her kids, something about the car.

He’s in fine form in grey slacks and a fitted grey long sleeve shirt.

“You look wonderful,” he says. “Like you always do.”

I study my plaid skirt and pink top, and the vintage Franco Toscini heels I inherited from my mother.

He rises from his desk. “I just realized that I don’t have a single photo of you.”

“I don’t either,” I point out. “I don’t have a single picture of you either.”

“Well, I think we should rectify that right now, don’t you?”

I smile. “What kind of photos did you have in mind?”

His grin is playful. “Oh, nothing too scandalous.”

I inch closer, happy to be near him again.

He takes my hand. “I was thinking we could take a walk to the park and snap a few pictures of ourselves.”

“Well, we both do look pretty fine,” I quip.

He laughs. “Well, Copyright 2016 - 2024