The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,63

thousand dollars. I can’t believe he’s done this. It’s too much.

I tear into the third box, and as expected, it’s a pair of heels, beautiful black satin sandals. I study the pretty pearl laced straps, and the logos at the back of the heels. They are officially the most beautiful shoes I own.

I’m quick to kick off my heels and slip them on to make sure they fit well. And they do. They are glass slippers, and I am Cinderella.

The largest box sits conspicuously on my desk, and of course, I can’t help myself. Vulture on dead carcass. That’s me.

My breath catches when I see the dress. It has a long flowing black chiffon skirt and a ruffled bustier top. A slim black belt with a silver Chanel logo clasp ties the whole thing together. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful, and I know it must have cost a fortune.

The man has spent thousands on me, just because. He can’t be doing that. It’s not right. I can’t accept these gifts.

But I really, really want to accept them. They’re all so perfect.

But really, I can’t accept them.


I slip off the pretty sandals, and dash to his office.

He smiles when he sees me. He’s on a call, and I take a seat on the loveseat not far away. I’d usually excuse myself in such a situation, but I really need to speak with him.

“Listen, Doug. I need to let you go,” he says into his phone. “I’ll call you later.”

I wait patiently, arms crossed.

He swivels round in his chair, very playfully. “Why, what brings you here, so early in the morning, Miss Morris?”

“I got your gifts,” I tell him. “Thank you.”

His brows are a straight line. “And are they to your liking?”

“They’re beautiful,” I admit. “They’re perfect.”

His smile reappears. “I’m glad. I’m glad you like them. They were chosen with great care.”

My heart sinks. He’s just trying to be nice after all. Why am I making such a big deal about it all?

Ten thousand dollars, give or take. That’s why.

“Unfortunately, I can’t accept them, Weston.”

He blows out a long breath. “Why not?”

“Because I’m not a whore,” I scoff. “You spank me, you bite me, and you tie me up. You feel me up. I dance for you, I strip for you, I jerk off for you. And you buy me Chanel. You’re not my sugar daddy. You’re my boss.”


He lets out another audible sigh. I can hear it straight across the room. “Why, why… must you make everything so difficult, Grasshopper?”

“I don’t know,” I scoff. I’m more upset with myself than I am with him. I really want to keep the shoes. And the dress. And the bag. And the bracelet. Damn me and my morals.

He rises from his chair, and slowly makes his way to me. He sits next to me and takes my hand. “You’re certainly not a whore, Gretchen.”

“Good, I’m glad we understand each other.”

“You’re my employee, but you’re also my friend.” His smile is playful. “My friend with benefits.”

I smile. “But it’s still too much. The Chanel… how much did you spend? Eight grand? Ten grand?”

He grins. “Well, did you know I also bought Rosetta a Valentino suit? Five thousand dollars, give or take. Perhaps she’s a prostitute too.”

I shake my head. He’s got me there. Apparently Miss Rosetta has taken my advice and has gotten a little something for herself. Kudos to her.

I smile. “I guess… in that case… I could… keep them.”

His face lights up. “Yes… and you can wear it all when I take you out to the theatre.”

“Oh… okay.” I’m still reluctant, but the thought of that excites me.

“You’ll be stunning,” he says. “I can’t wait to see you in that dress. Have you tried it on yet?”

“No, I haven’t had the chance.”

“Well, make sure you do, and we’ll have the necessary adjustments made.”

“You know what this means, don’t you?”

He cocks a brow. “No…”

“You need to take Rosetta to the theatre too,” I point out. “I don’t want any special treatment.”

He bursts out laughing. “Okay, maybe not the theatre, but perhaps a very expensive dinner. I’ll make sure she wears her new suit.”

I laugh. “It will be lovely for the both of you.”

He shakes his head, and then studies me for a long beat. A wicked grin traces his lips. “You sure try a man’s patience, Grasshopper,” he teases, “but you’re definitely worth it.”

I hop off his sofa, and bounce away. “I’d like to think so.”

Ethan and his grandmother are on the floor Copyright 2016 - 2024