The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,60

romantic. It was weird. It’s certainly not something I ever did with Donovan. Donovan and I had good sex, but not too many theatrics, nothing too original. He always made sure I came though. He was very selfless that way. The few times I didn't left him upset.

Weston reaches for the dress, and carefully unzips the bodice. He’s cautious when he removes it from the mannequin. I sit on the edge of the bed in nothing but my panties, eagerly awaiting the fitting. He motions me to stand, and he carefully splays the dress in front of me on the floor. I daintily walk into it, and he slowly pulls it up my body. He wraps the bodice around my torso, and orders me to turn around. He kisses my shoulder as he slowly works the zip up.

He laughs as he reaches my chest. “Sorry, Grasshopper. It doesn’t fit.”

I’m kind of devastated, but not surprised. “It doesn’t?”

“Nope. I could force it, but you probably don’t want me to do that.”

“No, the dress is too beautiful,” I tell him. “I guess I’ll just need to lose some weight.”

He bites my shoulder, just a nibble. “Don’t you dare. I love you just the way you are.”

My breath hitches. I love you. He could have said I like you, but he didn’t. I shake my head. I’m getting way ahead of myself here. I can’t get too attached. I can’t have any expectations. This is just fun. We’re having naughty fun. Nothing more.

“Okay, Sir. I promise I won’t lose an inch.”

“Good girl. Yes, the dress is stunning, but it can stay on the mannequin. I’ll buy you a new dress, even more beautiful.”

I turn to him. “You don’t have to do that, silly. I don’t need a dress. I never go anywhere fancy.”

He sighs. “Now, that needs to be rectified, Grasshopper. A woman should always have an occasion to wear a beautiful dress.”

“Well, last time I checked, I wasn’t a princess,” I point out, a little snarky.

He laughs. “You are to me. You’re my blue haired princess.”

I smile up at him. “You’re such a weirdo.”

“Yes, admittedly, I am. But that’s what you love about me, isn’t it?”

“It is.” I reach up for a kiss, but he presses a finger on my lips.

“Uh-uh. No kissing… remember?”

“Not even a peck?”

He laughs. “No… if those delicious lips find their way to mine, I might just lose all control, and completely ravish you right here, right now.”

Damn, he’s certainly not making this easy. I reluctantly turn from him, and slip out of the dress. I cover myself as I reach for my bra. Suddenly, I’m shy. I retrieve my dress from the floor, and put it back on. Weston is busy carefully slipping the red dress back on the mannequin.

This is not how I had envisioned the evening ending. I anticipated a few more stolen touches, a slap on the bum, perhaps a little touching. Certainly not a striptease, and the two of us pleasuring ourselves in front of each other.

He keeps surprising me. And I love that about him.


Sacha is a sweet girl. A little sullen but sweet. She has the longest lashes I’ve ever seen, lama lashes. And the most beautiful long curly hair. She studies me with large doe eyes, and I can’t help but feel sorry for her. Divorced parents, deceased older sister. I want to become her friend and nurture her. Perhaps I could.

“I’ve been trying to teach Sacha how to cook,” Samuel tells me, “but she’s not been too enthusiastic.”

I’m chopping orange pepper for the salad. “Trust me. That’s a skill you’ll want to learn. If you want to be healthy.”

A hint of a scowl traces her features. I realize I sound like a mom. But I am a mom.

Ethan is happily playing with the Connect 4 game on the coffee table. I keep a close eye on him, paranoid that he might choke on one of the pieces, but he’s not putting them in his mouth. He’s just sliding them down the slots, completely riveted. It doesn’t take much to entertain him.

Sacha is chopping lettuce, not too happily. I can see that she really is trying to be amicable, and I appreciate the effort. I remember those days. Being a sixteen year old girl is not easy, in the best of circumstances.

The meatloaf is cooking in the oven, and the kitchen smells delicious. The table is already set, and there’s a pretty vase of flowers at its center. I appreciate Copyright 2016 - 2024