The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,5

brain, at rocket speed. I need to do this. This job depends on this. They might not like my stuff, and that’s okay. I don’t need this job financially. I can do this. I’m a professional.

I inhale a deep breath and start. Here goes nothing.

“This campaign was for the opening of a brand new restaurant right here, in Wicker Park. The owners wanted a hip, contemporary vibe. They wanted to communicate that this is the kind of place you go to take the edge off after a long day or week at work,” I explain as I flip through the pages, showing them the various components of the branding; logo, business cards, menu, signs, advertisements, and promotional products from napkins to coasters and the like.

“Very nice,” Weston says.

“Is this place still running, or did it go belly up?” Rosetta asks, acting out what appears to be a garish hanging scene.

I smile. “No, they’re still going and doing well,” I say proudly as if I had a stake in the place.

“Show us more,” Weston urges, all smiles. God, he has the best smile…


I walk them through my entire portfolio, explaining every job in detail. Weston shows quiet interest, while Rosetta cracks jokes at every turn. Who knew a campaign educating the public about STDs could be so funny? Chicago Health Services had been a big client.

Finally, after I turn the back cover and close my portfolio, Weston politely offers his hand. I shake it enthusiastically. “Well, it was nice to see your work, Gretchen,” he says. “Good luck.”

“Thank you,” I say, wondering if he has any pull with this job. Of course he would. He’s the boss. But has he decided to take himself out of the equation, and leave it all to Rosetta?

Miraculously, I can breathe again once he’s out the door.

Rosetta cocks a brow. “You like the looks of him, don’t you?”

I almost choke on my own spit. “Uh…”

“Don’t worry about it,” she says. “I mean… look at the man. I get it. If I were ten years younger, I couldn’t work here. I couldn’t focus long enough to get anything done.”

I smile and nod, not knowing what else to add.

“But ever since I hit menopause, it’s like Arizona down there. I don’t quite look at men the same way I used to.”

I can’t help but laugh a little.

“Just don’t get any ideas about him.” She leans over her desk, her dark eyes serious. “He’s kind of stiff. I haven’t seen a single woman around. He might secretly be a monk.”

I smile, wanting to know more.

She presses a dainty finger under her chin, deep in thought. “Except for the ex-wife… she’s quite a character. I suppose he’s not gay if he was married…” her words trail off. “He could be asexual…” She shakes her head. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be talking like this. Forget this whole conversation.”

“What conversation?”

She laughs. “I like you. I’m sorry… it’s just that I work mostly alone here, save for Mr. Barely-Ever-Talks, and I love people, and sometimes I kind of go batty around here. And you… You have the kind of face that makes you… You know what I mean?”

I nod. “I get it,” I tell her, “because I’ve been going batty too, alone in my apartment with no one but a two-year old. His vocabulary is kind of limited.”

She laughs. “I think we probably both need a friend.”

I smile. “I think so too.”

I’ve so nailed this interview.

We proceed with the interview. She tells me all about the position, and the charity, which has yet to be named. I tell her about Ethan, and how I already have daycare, and it shouldn’t be a problem. I want her to know that I’d be fully dedicated to the job. I tell her that this is the perfect opportunity for me, and make sure she knows I’m very interested.

We leave with a hand shake and a hug, which is kind of atypical for a job interview. I don’t think I’ve ever hugged a potential employer before.

I leave with a smile on my face and a bounce in my step.


Claudia is super perky this afternoon. Her place is a complete mess, but she doesn’t care. She’s in love. His name is James, and he’s a chef. I smile, hoping this one works out because Claudia can’t cook to save her life. Her and her son Colton could use a good meal. Apparently, James is divorced too, and has two teenage sons, slightly older than Colton.

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