The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,30

years, and I deserve a little action. I stare at my reflection in the elevator mirror. I hope he likes what I’m wearing. It’s basically a different version of yesterday’s outfit. A flowery skirt, a frilly blouse and blue rounded toe Mary Janes with a two inch heel. Luckily our tastes in women’s fashions are in sync. Otherwise, I’d need to get a whole new wardrobe.

I’ve worn my hair up in a clip today. I can easily let it down if he prefers.

My heart is tap dancing when he greets me at the door. He’s in good spirits, and so am I. We’re really doing this.

“Meeting in my office?” he says eagerly.

“Yes. Let me just put my stuff on my desk first.”

He dashes to his office, and I practically run to mine. I retrieve the marked-up agreement from my briefcase, and scurry down the hall to his desk.

I’m flustered when I arrive, and he seems surprised to see me so early.

“I couldn’t wait,” I confess.

He smiles. “Please sit down. I look forward to seeing the changes you’ve made.”

He takes a seat across from me, and retrieves his copy of the contract. He revises the date, and asks me to proceed.

“Well… first…” My heart is misbehaving and my voice cracks at the edges. “First item… I’d like to remove kissing from the list. On the lips,” I clarify. “We can kiss other parts of the body.”

His mouth opens, ever-so-slightly. “Interesting… well, I didn’t expect that.”

“I just… it’s just so intimate, and this is about sex, right?”

“Uh, yes. I suppose,” he concedes. “This will definitely be a challenge for me… keeping my lips off of yours.”

I smile. “I’m sure you can handle it.”

But can I handle it?

I turn my attention back to the agreement. “Next, I’d like to specify ‘soft spanking’ and ‘soft’ biting’, and remove ‘anal sex.’”

“Already done.”

I toy with a strand of my blue hair. “I’d also like to remove intercourse, and oral sex for the time being.” After countless hours of mulling over this, I’ve come up with my own rules. No sex. No oral sex. And no kissing.

He nods as he makes a note. “Fair enough. Like I told you… I like to take things slow anyway. We’re not quite ready for that quite yet.”

“And I’d like you to add another term,” I’m quick to say. “Underwear stays on at all times.”

His face cracks into a wide delicious grin.

“It’s to help with the no sex thing,” I clarify. “What do you think?”

He scribbles once more. “Well, I’m not crazy about it, but yes, I agree, it does make sense.”

“I’d also like to add a final request,” I go on.

“Sure, anything.”

I blush a little, thinking about my strange request. “Grasshopper… would like Boss Man to brush her hair whenever she demands it.”

A slow smile stretches across his face. “I love it. I can certainly do that. Why did I not think about that one myself?”

“I love getting my hair brushed,” I confess. A pang hits me as I’m brought back to memories of Donovan brushing my hair before bed. It’s one of the many things I miss. Recollections of him hit me at the strangest of times.

He scribbles furiously on his copy. “Done. Anything else?”

I smile up at him. “Nope. That’s it.”

He seems surprised. “Really?”


He smiles. “Come back in five minutes.”


He turns his attention to his laptop and starts clicking away. I excuse myself and quietly retreat to my desk. I finally arrange my things, all the while wondering what will happen next. My heart beats a mile a minute, and my pussy is on high alert. How can I possibly get any work done like this?

I click open my current work-in-progress, but I can’t focus long enough to get anything done.

Finally, Boss Man makes an appearance, a huge smile on his face. “All done. You mind coming in my office, Miss Morris?”

I stand. “Not at all, Sir.”

I follow him eagerly down the small hall of his office, and we finally make it to his desk, where the agreement sits, ready to be signed. “I’ve made all the amendments you requested,” he explains. “Would you like to go over it again?”

I smile. “That won’t be necessary. I trust you.”

He grabs the pen and signs his name, and adds the date. He hands me the pen with a playful grin. I eagerly grab it, and sign my own name, not quite believing that we’re really doing this.

As soon as I’ve signed my name, he takes the pen from me and Copyright 2016 - 2024