The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,24

voice ominous. He doesn’t say ‘please’. He’s ordering me around, and he can, because he’s my boss.


This can’t be good. I have a very bad feeling about it. His demeanor is all business and he hasn’t cracked a smile since I came in. He’s clearly not happy, and is about to deal with me.

Well, if he thinks he can just kick me to the curb just because we almost kissed, he’s got another thing coming.

I quickly retrieve the necessary items from my briefcase, and set them on my desk. I smooth down my hair, stand a little straighter, and head to his office.

I walk down the short hallway leading to his desk. He raises his head when he feels me approaching. His stance is rigid, and he shoots me a tight apologetic smile. My heart sinks. I know what this is all about.

He gestures to one of the two chairs across his desk. “Please take a seat.”

I sit down on the swivel leather chair, and cross my legs. “How can I help you today?”

He clears his throat “I wanted to talk to you about last Friday.”

I nod quietly, urging him to go on.

He stares down at the fancy pen in his hand. He clicks it repeatedly. “As you know, what happened last Friday was highly inappropriate. As your employer—”

“I told you… it was fine,” I desperately try to explain. “I gave consent.”

He rakes a hand through his hair. “Please don’t interrupt me,” he says softly, and I shut the hell up.

“Let me explain this to you thoroughly, and then you can voice in. You can speak when I give you the go-ahead.”

Wow. Is he for real? “Okay, Sir.”

A hint of a smile traces his lips. He clicks his pen again. He’s still not looking at me. I really wish he would. “There clearly is a mutual attraction between us. That much can’t be denied.” He finally lifts his gaze to mine, and a frenzy of butterflies flood my insides.

He rubs the back of his neck. “I… I’ve always thought you were attractive, and when Rosetta insisted on you, I was a little hesitant but then I rationalized that you and I wouldn't really be working together and would have minimal contact. Yet, I won’t deny that I looked forward to seeing you in my office for the next six months, if only to look.”

His words are arousing me, despite the fact that he’s being very matter-of-fact about it all. Everything about him is alluring; his soft spoken words, his long fingers toying with that silver pen, the curves of his shoulders in his dress shirt, and most of all, his intoxicating eyes.

“But… then circumstances changed, and we found ourselves drawn together. I knew it was wrong to ask you to join me for lunch, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to be near you.”

I remain silent. Not only because he’s ordered me to, but also because I am at a complete loss for words.

“Yes, you and I can take the next step, but given the social climate these days, and the Me Too movement in the workplace, which I fully support, one can never be too careful.”

I nod obediently.

He finally puts down his pen, and flattens his hands on his desk, on either side of a conspicuous red folder. “I need your full written consent before we can proceed.”


“I really don’t think that is necessary—”

“I didn’t give you the go-ahead to speak yet.” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “I’m not done.”

I sit back, not believing the way he’s behaving, what he’s suggesting. I watch him intently as he flips open the red folder. I glance quickly at the heading on the sheet. It’s upside down, but I can still make it out. It reads: WORK PLAY AGREEMENT

I stifle a smile. He can’t be serious.

“I’ve pondered this incessantly and worked on this agreement all weekend,” he tells me, and I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

I notice the staple in the corner. It’s not just a simple one-page affair, it’s multiple pages.


While I was getting my nails done with my friends, he was busy whipping this plan up. While I played with Ethan at the park, he was working on this. While I binge watched old episodes of Sex and the City, he was typing this report up. This is so hot.

He hands me a copy of the arrangement, all business. My fingers are trembling when I take it from him, still speechless. My heart is threatening to burst out Copyright 2016 - 2024