The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,22

in tears as I dash out of his bedroom.

He runs after me. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

I turn to him, determined to act professionally. “No, I completely understand, Mr. Hanson. It was a moment of weakness on both our parts, and I won’t let it happen again.”

He nods quietly, at a loss for words.

“I need to get back to work.” I turn on my heel, and quickly scurry to my office with as much dignity as I can muster.

I’m eating ice cream straight out of the container. I’m sharing with Ethan, so I don’t feel so bad. He’s loving every bite.

“And then I tried to kiss him,” I’m saying. “Can you believe me? Trying to kiss the boss?”

“More,” he demands.

I scoop up a large spoonful, and slide it in his mouth.

I sigh. “I’ve ruined everything. I’m probably going to get fired on Monday for hitting on the boss.”

Ethan’s brows furrow and his face crumples. His reaction surprises me. Can he understand what I’m saying? That’s impossible.

His expression morphs into one of pain, and his familiar cry fills the kitchen.

What the hell?

“What’s going on, baby?”

He presses a hand against his forehead, all the while wincing and squirming and crying.

“Oh, shit, baby.” I take him in my arms. “I think you have what we call a brain freeze, baby. Too much ice cream too fast. It’s all Mommy’s fault.” I stroke his back. “It’s okay. Mommy is very sorry. Mommy promises to start being a better Mommy.”

I resolve to put the ice cream away, and get my life in order. I will not freeze my baby’s brain. I will not hit on my boss. I will be a good mother and employee, and get my fucking act together.

It’s Saturday afternoon, and I’m in heaven. I’m sandwiched between Claudia and Abigail at the nail salon, and my feet are being rubbed by Sandra, also known as an angel sent from heaven. I’ve chosen a sparkly blue for my nails, and am desperately trying to forget all about the unfortunate recent events with my beautiful boss.

Claudia is still talking about her new chef boyfriend, and I welcome the distraction.

“And he’s so good in bed,” she goes on. At that, Sally, her manicurist, smiles. We all smile.

“Lucky girl,” I say, brought back to Mr. Boss Man’s closet. I wanted him so badly. He’s awakened a part of me I thought was dead. I haven’t thought about sex since before Donovan’s death, and I was sure I never would again. But now it’s all I can think about… sex.

“And she gets to eat gourmet food,” Abigail chimes in. “I’m so jealous.”

“Where is Mischa?” Sandra asks.

“Oh, she had a thing with her kid,” Claudia tells her. “She’ll be here next time.”

“So enough about me,” Claudia says. “Tell us all about Mr. Dark & Mysterious.”

I smile. “You can call him Weston.”

“Yes, yes… Weston. Now dish.”

I bite my lip, wondering what I should share. I desperately want to confide in someone. My thoughts have been whirling around in my brain for the past twenty-four hours and driving me crazy.

“We almost kissed,” I blurt out.

Claudia jerks up, causing her manicurist to completely mess up. Claudia’s toe is covered in red polish.

“Oh, no,” Sally scoffs. “You can’t jump up like that. Now I need to start all over.”

“Sorry,” she says and turns to me. “What? You almost kissed your boss?”

Sally and Sandra perk up. Even Lorraine, Abigail’s manicurist, who usually looks bored out of her skull, sits a little straighter.

“How did this happen?” Abigail asks.

I’ve opened the gates. Everyone is invested now. I can’t go back. “Well, as you already know, Rosetta’s been gone so it’s just us two, and we’ve been having lunch together every day in his kitchen, take-out and leftovers and stuff.”

Claudia nods, riveted. “Nice.”

“We’ve gotten kind of close, kind of fast. We have a lot in common. We’re kind of on the same page…” I sigh, thinking about him, and hoping that stupid almost-kiss hasn’t changed everything. “Anyway, we’ve been flirting a little. He calls me Grasshopper.”

Abigail laughs. “Wow, that’s sexy,” she says sarcastically. “Why grasshopper?”

“Because he says I hop around all the time.”

“You totally do,” Claudia trills. “He’s right. Clever boy.”

“Oh yeah… he’s clever, all right. You have no idea.”

“What about the kiss?” Sandra says.

I smile. “Anyway, he offered to give me a tour of the penthouse.”

Abigail sits up straighter. “Oooh… you need to tell us all about it.”

“It’s so amazing,” I tell her. “The light fixtures alone are probably worth Copyright 2016 - 2024