The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,18

silence for the longest time, and it’s not weird. We’re already getting more comfortable around each other. At the start of the week, we could have never looked at each other like this.

“So I was pondering my silly moniker for you,” he says, his voice deliciously soft. “You don’t mind, do you?”

I smile. “No… not at all. It’s fun.”

“I was thinking it over. Seeing as you’re so dedicated, I should have rather called you Worker Bee or Busy Little Ant.”

I laugh out loud.

He bites his lip. “You have a beautiful laugh.”

I’m speechless. No words. At all. Mute.

“Uh… I’m sorry,” he falters. “You know The Ant and the Grasshopper? One of Aesop’s most famous fables?”

“Yes, of course. I read it occasionally to Ethan. I love the message it conveys.”

“Well, then you know how lazy the grasshopper was,” he teases. “The ant was the responsible one. I’m more of an ant myself.”

“I’m kind of a grasshopper,” I confess. “Except when it comes to my work.”

He takes another sip of his wine. “Well, then the moniker fits.”

We fall into another long silent stare, and my breath is about to get away from me when the doorbell buzzes.

“Food’s here,” Weston cheers.

I blow out a long breath as I reach for the plates in the cupboard. I love Japanese, but I might be too worked up to eat. All I can think about is kissing him, touching him.

I love it. And I hate it.

I haven’t felt like this about anyone, no one since Donovan.

He’s as excited as a kid when he gets back, hands full of bags. We dig in eagerly and shuffle containers around. I fetch some serving spoons and we help ourselves.

“This is so good,” I tell him.

He digs into the unon noodle dish. “Yes, I always order from this place.”

“Do you ever cook?” I ask. “You have such an amazing kitchen.”

He shrugs. “Occasionally, if I have the kids. If it’s just me, I’d rather order in.”

I nod, wondering again why he’s alone. “How often do you get your kids?”

“Every other week.”

I reach for a gyoza. “And that works well?”

“Well, as well as it can.”

“It’s tough, I imagine… shared custody.”

“Well, it’s easier since we’re close to each other. My ex-wife fell for an artist in the area, and decided that she’d move in with him,” he tells me between bites. “I wanted to be close to my children, so I decided to move here too.”

“Well, good for you. Orchard Heights is great, isn’t it? I love it here. I mean the condo fees are a little high, and it could use some updating with the old fashioned keys and all. And those ear-splitting door buzzers, someone should really do something about that.”

He laughs. “I’ll make a mental note… replace door buzzers.”

I eye him dubiously, confused.

He smiles. “I not only bought the penthouse, I bought the whole place.”

“Uh…” I’m speechless. “You’re the owner?”

He shrugs. “It’s what I do. I own condo buildings. Usually I build them from the ground up, but I consider this one a passion project. I have a few plans for it.”

“Funny… I’ve always dealt with Freddy. I kind of thought he owned the place.”

He laughs. “No, Freddy is the building manager. He does an amazing job, which is why you never see me.”

“Well, I can’t wait to tell my friends about this.”

He raises a brow. “I seem to be a frequent subject of conversation amongst your little group.”

I blush. “You are. You always have been.”

“Well, if I had any friends, you’d definitely be a subject of conversation too.”

I smile, slightly ill-at-ease. “But seriously, this kitchen…” I say, attempting to change the subject, to cool the room. “It’s amazing. This whole place is fabulous. I mean, I’ve only seen a small part of it—”

“I could show you more.”

Yes. Yes. Yes.

“Really? You wouldn’t mind?” I ask. “I’d love to see it.”

My eyes are suddenly greedy, eager to discover all the hidden corners of this fabulous space.

“I’ll give you a tour after lunch.”

I can’t eat fast enough, eager as a kid on Christmas morning. I’m superwoman as we tidy the kitchen, and when I hang the dishtowel on the oven bar, I flash him an eager smile.


“Are you ready for your tour, Miss Morris?”

“Definitely. Can’t wait.”

I follow him through the kitchen and living room. “Well, since you’ve already seen the offices and living area, we’ll move on to the bedrooms and playroom.

Oooooh… playroom.

We walk down the hall, and he stops at a lovely bedroom painted in shades of white, and flicks on the Copyright 2016 - 2024