The Boss Upstairs - Roya Carmen Page 0,12

I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my mom.”

“On the contrary,” he says, all smiles. “You’ve captured my attention.”

I feel a sudden twinge at the pit of my stomach. I’m not sure if it’s his smile, or the way he’s looking at me.

“It must be hereditary then,” he says, “the blue hair.”

I reach for my bun. “Damn, I was hoping you wouldn’t have noticed.”

He smiles again, a leisurely grin, and I have the urge to bite my lip. “I notice everything.” His words are soft and slow. “I’m very observant.”

I bite my lip. I just can’t help it. “Uh… good to know.”

“Did you think I wouldn’t approve of your blue hair?”

I press down the folds of my dress, not quite able to look at him. “I thought you might not think it was professional.”

He laughs. “You’re a Designer. I think you’re meant to be a little strange.”

Oh great, he thinks I’m strange. But then… so is he.

“Wait til you see my tattoos,” I joke.

His brow perks up.

“I’m joking,” I tell him. “No tattoos.”

He pouts. “Pity.”

We both smile for the longest time. Until it’s game over.

He’s all business again as he stands and walks to his desk. He reaches into a pile of folders in his file cabinet and when he finally finds what he’s looking for, he spins back around and slaps the folder down. “Here is everything you need to get started,” he says. “I’ll check in occasionally. And I’ll probably be asking you to assist me with other issues, as they come up.”

I walk over and take the folder, understanding that the fun chit-chat is over. “No problem. I’ve got it.” I hop on one foot, startling the both of us. “I’ll get right to it.”

He grins widely again, and I get the impression that he’s mocking me. I wave goodbye and practically hop out of his office, a bounce in my step.

But just as I’m about to disappear, he calls out to me. “Oh wait… first thing’s first. Could you order some flowers for Rosetta, the biggest bouquet you can buy. We have an account with Field & Florist. I’ll email you her address in a minute.”

I nod. “Sure, Boss.”

He sits and leans back in his swivel chair, steeples his hands, and smiles. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear he likes being called Boss.


I’m exhausted when I get home, but also exhilarated. Moments of the day keep flashing across my mind as I feed Ethan his dinner and give him his bath. Mostly Weston’s smile, and the way he looks at me. I know I’m probably imagining it all. I’m sure the twinkle in his eye is always there, certainly not reserved for me.

I’ve seen the photo of his ex-wife, and she and I are worlds apart. She’s a Ferrari and I’m a Prius. At least I’m not as high maintenance as her. She strikes me as the type who is. It was just a photo, but it conveyed so much. She was all class, exceptionally beautiful, the kind of woman who has her shit together.

Me, on the other hand, am lucky if my socks are matching. I eat cereal for lunch sometimes. I don’t wash my hair for days, and forget about a trimmed bikini line. No need for that anyway. I bet Mrs. Ex is perfectly kept in that department.

“God, now I’m picturing them having sex,” I blurt out loud.

“Sex!” Ethan parrots.

“Oh shit!”

“Shit!” he cheers, all smiles.

I slap my mouth shut.

He loves splashing his hands in the bath. For some reason I don’t quite understand, it’s very very funny when Mommy gets wet.

It’s Day Three, and I’m wearing a cute red dress and matching lace-up heeled loafers. A lot of thought went into this outfit. I debated between the red shoes and the black platform pumps. The pumps were deemed too sexy, too conspicuous. I want to look sexy, but I don’t want it to be obvious that I’m trying to be alluring. It’s a tricky line, one that must be walked carefully.

What the heck is wrong with me?

The man is my boss.

The dress is demure, but it is red. I read somewhere that when a woman wears red, she wants to get laid.

It was probably just a stupid meme.

I wonder if Mr. Hanson has seen that meme.

I don’t want anything to happen between us, and I know it won’t. I suppose I just want him to find me attractive. It’s been a while since I’ve had the attention of a man, Copyright 2016 - 2024