The Boss Crush - Penny Wylder Page 0,29

each lift.

“Holy shit, Dalia,” he says between breaths. “Holy fucking shit.”

“Right, wow.”

“I have no words right now.” Tilting his face, he rests his cheek between my breasts. “I'm serious, that was incredible.”

My fingers play with the ends of his hair, twirling them into tight spirals. I'm smiling, there's no way for me to stop. I feel so damn good.

I can feel his pulse as it beats against my chest. It's quick, thump after thump beating against my ribs. And in this second of silence, in this one single moment where I can feel all of him, I see myself.

I see where I was in my past, and I see where I ended up. I can see what led me here, to this moment, to this one blip in time.

But none of it compares to what I see in my future.

When you know something before you say it out loud. When you feel it before it's returned to you by another; you just know.

Lyle Vox is meant to be my future.

He just doesn't know it yet.



“Gotcha,” I say quietly into her ear as I wrap my arms around her waist, capturing her as she steps through the doorway of the break-room.

Taking a few short steps, I move her forward and shut the door behind us. The break-room is quiet and empty. No one is around, it's just us.

“Jesus, Lyle, you scared me,” Dalia says under her breath as she grabs my hands, and looks back at me over her shoulder. “What are you doing? Someone could see us.” Kissing her neck, she slips her hand up into my hair, sending tingles down my spine.

“You're right, they could. That's kind of hot don't you think?” I slide my hands down her hips and over her ass. “The thought of someone walking in and seeing us here like this, it's turning me on.”

We've been keeping things really low key for the past couple weeks, doing our best to make sure we stay under the Sandy radar. So far, it's worked. She doesn't suspect a thing. But I'm growing less and less concerned about what she thinks.

I'm at the point where I don't really care. But Dalia still does, and out of respect for her, I'll keep my mouth shut until she's ready.

Shifting my hips, I rub my cock against her. Her body stiffens, and she sucks in a breath. “Lyle, we can't, not here.”

“Says who? I thought I was the one in charge?” Twisting her around, I lift her off her feet easily and set her on the table.

She lets out a sexy little gasp as her back straightens. “Lyle, we really need be careful. What if San—”

“Let me worry about her.” I step between her legs, spearing them open with my knee. Holding her knees, I smile. “You just sit back and enjoy.” I move my hands higher, slipping under the edge of her skirt and disappearing.

My thumb brushes against the outside of her panties. She's already soaked. My thumb sweeps back and forth, rubbing her wet center.

“Lyle, what are you doing?” she asks as a shiver scales her body.

“I'm hungry.” My tone drops, and I drop to my knees with it. Butterflying her legs wider as I lick my lips and look up at her.

Dalia darts her eyes to the door, and reaches down to try and tug her skirt to cover herself up. “Lyle, we shouldn't be—”

“Sh,” I say softly, gently moving her hands. “I've been thinking about your pussy all morning, now I need a taste. I'm not waiting a second more.”

Dalia's eyes are huge, and she keeps glancing at the door like she expects someone to come in any second.

“Relax, and just trust me. No one's coming in.” Pulling her panties to the side with one finger, I run my tongue up her center, and circle her clit.

Her entire body shakes as she lays her head back and closes her eyes. Fuck I love that, I love how her body melts in my mouth. The tension in her muscles loosen as the tip of my tongue flicks up and down, and I suck her clit into my mouth.

Dalia moans quietly, digging her fingers into my hair and tugging at the roots. She leans back further, forcing her pussy into my mouth. Everything about this is wrong. And I fucking love it.

Her hips rock, and she fucks my face as I dip my tongue inside her entrance. She tastes sweet, so fucking delicious I could do this all day. Copyright 2016 - 2024