Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,70

sex and knowing someone for a Monday morning shower."

Already prepared to shoot down this notion, I shook my head, asking, "And what is that difference?"

"It's a whole bunch of things. Everyone looks like a fool during sex—"

I shook my head again. "I don't agree with that."

"Go ahead and shock me some more," she murmured.

"I have it on good authority you don't look like a fool during sex. I was here. I watched. You look like spring in full bloom."

"That's kind of you but I promise it's something else when I'm hunched over shaving my legs. Before you tell me how you're sure that's as charming as baby chickens, please remember you're still healing. You can't argue your way out of that and the only reason I'd join you in the shower is to supervise."

"I would've appreciated that supervision the other day," I mused. "I would've jerked off on your skin instead of the wall."

"I'm sure you'll get a chance to do that eventually," Zelda promised. "We don't have to cram everything into one day."

We stayed there for several minutes, my hips rocking as she scratched my neck, my back, while I dragged my lips over her neck and shoulder. "I saw you checking out my shower the other day."

"I was checking it out because you were standing in it while extremely nude." She slipped her fingers over my scalp. "I was attempting to be polite."

"That's good of you. One of us should be."

"Trust me, I knew it wasn't going to be you since you practically begged me to ogle your body." She tipped her head back to shoot me a knowing grin. "You couldn't have grabbed a washcloth or something? A loofah? Anything to at least pretend you didn't want me staring?"

"No, I couldn't pretend that because I did want you staring," I replied. "If you'd walked in a minute or two earlier, I'm sure the whole experience would've been less unsatisfying."

"Mmm, yes. Your struggles are significant." She slapped my ass again. "Hurry up now. I'll bet you're a stickler for being in the office by a certain time and I won't be much use to you without the proper combination of toast, eggs, and cheese so you need to get a move on."

"Did you think I'd forgotten about that? How could I, after you whipped out pocket eggs at thirty thousand feet. Fuck, no. Your breakfast needs are my top pre-eight-a.m. priority. You're going to love the café on the ground floor of my office building. Excellent coffee too."

When I didn't move because why the hell would I move when I had a soft, naked woman beneath me, Zelda said, "If you're expecting me to kick you out of bed, you've underestimated yourself, as you are a large slab of man."

I traced the jut of her collarbone with my lips. "I don't know if that's a compliment."

"Think it over while you're in the shower."

With great reluctance, I shifted away from the cocoon we'd constructed from blankets and bodies. Standing beside the bed, I held out my hand to Zelda. "Come on. I swear I'll be good. I'll even look the other way when you're hunched over to shave your legs."

She accepted my hand but replied, "A lady needs her secrets. Some other time."

I wrapped my arms around her and pressed a kiss to her hair. "Promise?"

Bobbing her head against my chest, she said, "Promise."

Half an hour later, I emerged from my room to find Zelda staring at her phone and—"What the hell are you wearing? Take that off."

Her head snapped up. "Pardon?"

Helpless grumbles rose in my throat as I waved at her navy blue skirt and ivory blouse with a dreadful bow-sash-tie situation at the throat. "Don't you have anything more…Zelda?"

She crossed her arms over her chest. "I vividly recall you asking if I had office attire."

I recalled it too but now I couldn't cope with so much standard issue corporate wear on a woman who was neither standard nor corporate. "Yeah but…that doesn't look like you."

"Are you sure that's the direction you want to go?"

That was a warning shot and I knew it but I pressed on regardless. "I liked what you wore yesterday."

She tapped a finger against her lips. I envied that finger. "Unfortunately for you, this is one area you cannot micromanage." She laughed, saying, "Don't give me that face. It's too early for glowering."

I wasn't glowering but I turned away from her all-seeing eyes anyway. "Fine. All right. Whatever. Let's go."

Zelda followed me into the Copyright 2016 - 2024