Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,67

I got it right, twisted my hair around his fist and told me what to do when I didn't. It wasn't long before I was torn between the satisfaction of pleasing him and the need to hear more of his sternly spoken commands.

My eyes watered every time he snapped his hips forward and his shaft bumped the back of my throat. "Keep going," he ordered. "I'll tell you when you're allowed to stop."

We both know that wasn't accurate and he'd stop if I gave him any sign of needing to do so but the suggestion I didn't have a choice in the matter gouged out my belly and arrowed heat between my legs. It wasn't about being taken against my will or being used but rather handing over the decision-making to someone I could trust with that responsibility.

And if there was anyone to be trusted with a responsibility, it was Ash.

He released my hair to cup my chin, tipping my face up a bit as he did it. "No kneeling at the office, you say." His brows arched as he covered the fingers I'd wrapped around his length with his own and eased out of my mouth. He hadn't finished but that wasn't the point. This was only the start. "That's your request?"

I didn't know it was possible for every inch of skin to throb and burn until right now, when I insisted upon a conversation about our working relationship while also wanting to be violated in very twisted, beautiful ways. "Yes."

"And what of bending over desks? Is that forbidden as well?"

My core gave a painful clench around nothing. I nodded. "Yes."

"And if I want to spread you out on a conference room table? Or pin you to a door? Are those options available to me?"

I was dying here. All I needed was one flick to my clit and the ache inside me would subside. "No. Not at the office."

"Perhaps I ask you to inch your skirt up and pet yourself while I watch," he continued. "Will I be allowed that?"

I pressed my thighs together, shook my head. "No."

"That's right." Running his thumb over my lips, he said, "I already knew this but that demonstration was worth revisiting the topic."

"You—you already knew that?" I sputtered.

Ash reached for my elbow, whacking me in the face with his hard cock in the process, and helped me to my feet. "I did. I'm aware you'd rather watch technically inaccurate archaeology movies than play secretary games and if I can be quite honest with you, I'd be out of business before the end of the week if I was allowed to have your mouth on me from nine to five. However, watching you squirming and squeezing your legs together is a divine thing and I intend to see it again soon as it in no way controverts the agreed-upon limits."

"Oh my god, no, please don't," I sobbed. "Please don't make me wait."

A cool, almost bored chuckle sounded. "I didn't mean right now, love, though it's pleasant to know I have you on the edge."

He spun me around as he searched for my skirt's zipper and did it again when he didn't find one. I hooked my fingers under the waist, saying, "It's more obvious than you think."

With that riddle resolved, my skirt hit the floor and he lashed an arm around my waist, jerking my back to his chest. "What do you want?" he asked. "No, don't tell me. I already know."

"That ego of yours." I wiggled against him, against the insistent thickness of him.

"Just you wait." A laugh rumbled in his chest but it might as well have been a lion's roar for the way it called up all the anticipation inside me. "Tell me what you don't want, love."

I knew he was asking this in a logistical, boundary setting sort of way but I couldn't stop myself from saying, "I don't want you to regret me."

He released another rumble. "Only a fool could regret you, Zelda. I promise you that won't happen." I shuddered then but ducked my head to play it off as a reaction to his scruffy chin tickling my neck. "I'd like to be finished with this discussion and well on my way to learning what you look like when you come so tell me, Zelda, is there anything else you don't want?"

"No. Nothing at all."

I wouldn't generally share this but given the situation, it was something you should know. I've had some good sex in my day. Summer Copyright 2016 - 2024