Boss in the Bedsheets - Kate Canterbary Page 0,65

heat crawling up my chest and neck like an allergic reaction. "I'm all set."

"Mom," Ash warned.

"What did I say?" Diana held up both hands. "What did I do now? I'm being helpful."

"More than enough," Ash replied.

"There aren't many people in the world today who have a range of options for a formal seaside summer wedding with only a few days' notice," she said. "And since I want my oldest son's companion to feel as radiant as ever, I'm going to keep doing more than enough." She gripped my hand. "All right, dear? Very good. I'll drop by the office on Tuesday afternoon around four and we'll walk to the shop together."

When Diana and Magnolia fell into a discussion of the wedding reception's seating chart, Ash leaned in, brushing his lips over my exposed shoulder. "I'll handle the dress shop issue and the nineteen baby blankets she's going to knit in the next two days," he whispered. "And I won't drag you onto my lap or pull your hair and kiss you while my entire family watches which is why I need you to get your sweet ass up and assist me in making a swift exit. Can we do that?"

I blinked at him for a sweltering second before reaching for Diana's hand, saying, "Thank you so much for welcoming me into your home. The meal was exquisite and you've done a spectacular job on these cushions. I'm so sorry we have to step out before the evening is over but I know we'll have plenty of time to catch up on Tuesday afternoon."

"No apologies allowed," Diana said. "Have a safe drive back to the city."

Beside me, Ash stood and held out his hand for me. When I joined him, Diana tackled me in a fierce hug. I gave her a polite pat on the back but she didn't let go and soon I realized this wasn't an ordinary hug. It was the kind that transfused affection from every point of contact and the longer it lasted, the more I felt my parched and fractured places filling with kindness and love. My own stores of affection seemed fuller now, as if I could now give more because I'd received this.

"Please give her back," Ash said. "She's mine."

"I know, honey, I know," Diana said, bussing her palm up and down my back. I blinked hard because I could've cried if I hadn't fought it off. I was plump and overflowing with emotions that seemed too large for me to bear, too permanent for me to accept outright. "I'm just so happy, I can't help it."

"Probably because she's not Millie," Linden muttered from the table.

"None of you can be trusted," Magnolia said with a groan. "None of you."

Once Diana released me, we made a quick exit. Ash held the car door open with a glance at his watch, saying, "Four minutes. You're amazing."

Since I was still the girl who ran straight to the edge with her parachute in shreds, even after a million right choices and all the deepest hugs, I dropped into the seat and said, "I thought I was overwhelming."

He crouched down to meet my eyes. "And I've found I love being overwhelmed."

We played another round of the touching game as we returned to the city but there was nothing mild or innocent about this iteration. It was all deep, lingering thigh squeezes, rough fingertip scrapes, clasped-hand knuckle kisses with a side of teeth. Everything about it was aggressive—and intentional.

The elevator ride from the basement garage to Ash's apartment was quiet and close, our arms tangled around each other as if we would drown otherwise. It seemed absurd to think that but when I caught sight of us in a mirrored panel, I knew it was true.

Instead of climbing inside my mind to examine why we always resorted to lifeboat-style embraces or analyze any of the other emotional stones I'd overturned today, I rested my head on his chest and granted myself permission to experience this. This man wanted me and cared for me and drove me a bit crazy, and none of that was impacted by my past decisions. I didn't have to live inside those decisions anymore. I wasn't required to be that person anymore. I could make one right decision after another and build a brand-new me.

We were completely civilized when we exited the elevator, strolled down the hall, stepped inside the apartment. I slipped out of my shoes and set down my purse. Ash hung up his Copyright 2016 - 2024