Like a Boss - Annabelle Costa Page 0,76

don’t go! I’m sorry I said that. I was just… you know, thinking aloud. I didn’t mean to pressure you.”

“It’s not that,” I say. “It’s… complicated.”

I stand up from the couch, and Luke struggles into a sitting position. “You’re leaving now?”

I back away from him. Unlike Nathan, he can’t physically try to stop me from leaving—not that he would. “I’m sorry.”

“Wait! Just… hang on…” He grabs his wheelchair, trying to make a quick transfer before I can get out of his house. He uses the strength in his upper arms to hoist himself off the couch as always, but something different happens this time. In his haste, his butt misses the seat of the chair, and he falls to the ground with a loud crash.

“Luke!” I cry. “Are you okay?”

He blinks, looking shaken. “Yeah…”

“Are you sure? Do you need help?”

He looks up at me, and there’s a twinge of irritation in his face. “I’m fine, Ellie. I’ve fallen during transfers before. I’m capable of getting up off the floor myself.”

“So… should I…?”

His shoulders drop. “Why don’t you just go? I’m fine—really.”

He wants me to leave so I don’t witness him struggling to get up off the floor. His brow furrows, and for a second, I want so badly to tell him everything. But I can’t. Not yet. Not until I’ve decided exactly what I want to do. Because if I tell him now, he’ll talk me into getting back together with him. I just know it.

“I… I’ll call you next week,” I say.

He looks up sharply. “Aren’t you coming to the funeral?”

“Oh. Uh, when is it?”

“Monday morning.”

The same day as my first ultrasound.

“I actually, um…” I bite my lip. “I have plans that day.”

Luke’s face falls. “Oh.”

“I’m so sorry,” I say. “I wish I could be there.”

He nods. “I know. You’re a good friend, Ellie. I understand.”

I look into his damp eyes though and see that he doesn’t understand. He’s hurt. And he doesn’t have any real friends who will be there for him, to help get him through this difficult time. I’m all he’s got.

“Okay,” I say. “I’ll be there.”

Chapter 31

As I sneak by Sadie’s apartment on the way home, I am extra quiet because I really, really don’t want to have to talk to her right now.

Still, I’m a little surprised when her door doesn’t immediately shoot open. And that surprise turns to confusion when I smell something burning coming from her apartment.

Cursing to myself, I go over to Sadie’s door, and press my ear against it, listening for any sounds. I hear the television, but that’s it. I’m sure she’s okay. She’s probably just watching television. I shouldn’t worry. I really shouldn’t.

But of course, I’m worried. So before I can stop myself, I ring her doorbell.

There’s a good deal of shuffling behind the door, and my shoulders relax. I consider taking off before Sadie opens the door. But I am a little too old for ding dong ditch.

Sadie flings open the door, wearing a fluffy pink bathrobe. Her white hair is even more puffy than normal. “Ellie,” she cries. “What a nice surprise!”

“Hi,” I say, “how are you…”

I stop talking mid-sentence. Because there’s an old man behind Sadie who is completely naked.

Well, not completely naked. On further inspection, he does, thank God, have on a pair of tighty whitey underwear. Although they’re not so white anymore. But he’s marching through the living room, his skin hanging loose on every part of his body, oblivious to the fact that a stranger is standing in the doorway.

“Oh!” Sadie says when she sees my expression. “That’s Melvin! My suitor!”

The man smiles at me with teeth that I’m pretty sure are dentures. “Good to meet you, Ellie. I’ve heard all about you.”

“Good to meet you too,” I mumble. I don’t know quite where to look. I’m trying to keep my eyes off Melvin’s scrawny naked body.

“Ellie...” Sadie squints at me. “Are you all right? You don’t usually visit me.”

“Sort of,” I admit. “I just... I smelled something burning in the apartment, so I thought…”

“Oh, dear!” Sadie gasps. “I’m so sorry you were worried. I was trying to bake some hamantaschen for Melvin, but unfortunately, it didn’t come out as well as the batch we made for your Luke.”

Ol’ Melvin throws his arm around Sadie’s shoulders and kisses her on her white pouf of hair. “I love you anyway, Sadie,” he says.

It’s so cute, I could just die.

Sadie insists I come in, even though I’m horrified to have interrupted them while they Copyright 2016 - 2024