Born to be Witchy - A.J. Macey Page 0,11

night, why not enjoy it?”

“I’m certainly not opposed to that,” Drayce stated. He and Caspian, followed by Kye and Xan, caught up to us, having arrived in their carts not long after we got here. “But we’ll have the rest of our lives to enjoy it.”

“Yes, but I’m impatient,” she sassed, giggling at the adoring smiles on all of our faces. Yup, she has us wrapped around her finger, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Josephina and Gabriel’s voices carried out to us, hollering about getting started on the family dinner and interrupting what I was about to add next. Instead of continuing the conversation, her stomach rumbled loudly, and she took off in a race to the house, all of us following behind, laughing as we tried to catch up.

This is the kind of life I always wanted—my girl, a big family, and a house we can call our own.

June 2nd

Friday Afternoon


Olive was a swirl of makeup spells, glitter, and music as she danced around me. I had to forcibly keep myself from smiling and ruining her work, but I was more excited than a witch in a broom shop. Tomorrow, I would get to marry my guys. I’m one lucky witch!

“Is Brynn coming?” I asked when she stepped away to inspect her work, head tilted to the side as she studied me. She’d taken over one of the guest rooms with an attached bathroom, so we could get ready without disturbing anyone. I had a feeling, it was so she could mainly blast music and gossip, but I wasn’t opposed.

“Not for this part. She and Sebastian had plans, but she said she’d meet us at the restaurant!” Olive said, picking up her brush and coming for my eyes. I shut them quickly, unable to hold back my laughter.

“Do I at least get to pick my own outfit?” I teased, knowing damn well she had that covered as well. Between all the wedding planning, I’d forgotten about a bachelorette party, but Olive hadn’t. She made sure it was scheduled, planned, and perfect. She was the best friend a witch could ask for.

“I’m not even justifying that with an answer,” she huffed, but her voice raised excitedly.

“I can dress myself, you know,” I laughed, shaking my head at her.

“You’re perfect! Now, you can see your outfit!” She squealed, ignoring my comment completely. Before I could open my eyes all the way, she was sweeping into the walk-in closet and coming out with two garment bags.

“You went to Morigan’s boutique?!” I asked with a gasp, launching myself from the chair and snatching the offered bag out of her hand. She laughed as I laid it on the bed and unzipped the bag, dancing excitedly. The top was a long-sleeved lace shirt, the white standing out against the cream tutu under it, and a gold waistband blended the two perfectly.

“And you have two choices for shoes,” she said, pulling out a pair of pointed-toe heels and a pair of gold converse that matched the tutu. When I started to reach for them both to inspect them, she glanced at the clock and pulled them out of reach. “Nope! We have time for one mimosa first!”

“Fine,” I grumbled, glaring playfully as I followed her to the elaborate table she’d set up. She’d sprinkled glitter everywhere, and a set of sparkling glasses were in front, mine pink and hers a deep red. A blown-up picture of me and the guys rested behind it in a classy gold frame. It was amazing, all of us smiling in our own ways. My smile was bright along with Caspian’s, our cheerfulness shining through even in a picture. Torryn had a small, adoring smile on his face, still managing to look like my dignified professor. Xan had a sweet smile, looking completely content and in his element. His confidence had really skyrocketed since he’d started being his own witch. Kye had his cocky grin in place, and for once, he didn’t look annoyed at having his picture taken… which was a feat on its own. Drayce had the cute, lazy smile that was his signature look as he stared at Cas and me.

“Olive.” Her name was all I could choke out. The full impact of all she had done to make me feel special was overwhelming.

“You deserve the world, Aris. I’m just happy I get to share all this with you,” she said, pulling me into a hug. “Now, about those drinks.” Darting away, she quickly mixed Copyright 2016 - 2024