Born to be Witchy - A.J. Macey Page 0,1

ceremony was being held in the courtyard, the outskirts of the space filled with benches holding visitors, family members, and friends. In the middle, facing the front of the clocktower were rows of chairs, most seats filled with students, save for a few lingering about with their families.

Glancing around the crowd, I tried to find Xan, Drayce, and Kye. It took a few passes before I finally saw a burst of pink sparkles in the air. I followed the burst of magic, and my arm came up, whipping back and forth in an enthusiastic wave. Their faces lit up, making the excited bubble that had been forming since Olive came to get me, grow larger.

Caspian hadn’t been the only one to change over the years, my three witches at the other end of the courtyard, near my seat, had as well. Drayce had lost a little of his laid-back exterior, looking more like a dignified professor. Most days, he still dressed casually, but the well-groomed beard he sported made him even sexier. Xan’s hair had grown longer now that he had fully let go of his parents’ expectations. Today, it was tied up in a perfect bun, exposing his face for me to appreciate. His expression was full of pride as a smile stretched across his face. Kye still looked the same, dark clothes and cocky grin, but I knew all about the intricate runes he had tattooed onto his skin, now stretching across his chest and back. I’d taken advantage of every moment we could find to inspect them closely… with my tongue.

After a quick kiss from Caspian, I shuffled down the front row to my assigned seat. My last name was still officially Calisto, so there were several witches between Calisto and Kersey. But not for long!

My heart fluttered in my chest as Torryn walked onto the raised stage in front of our chairs, his ceremonial robes making him look dignified. He scanned the crowd as he walked, something I wouldn’t have been able to pull off successfully, and grinned when he spotted me. His eyes crinkled around the edges before he turned his attention back to getting into place.

The crowd quieted as he turned to face us, muttering a spell to himself before his voice boomed over the crowd.

“Welcome! It is my honor as headmaster of Aether Academy of Crystal Magic and Witchcraft to introduce our graduating class. These students have worked hard, showing integrity and dedication to their craft. Our students have seamlessly adapted to the new mastery classes, and we couldn’t be prouder.” He paused as the crowd erupted into applause, waiting patiently until it died out. “Before our students graduate, we would like to ask one of our graduating witches to say a few words. This student has shown exemplary innovation, creating a fully functioning Witches Glass channel that allows interaction between the academies. Our student generation has never been so fully connected, and the leaders of this school believe it will lead to a more cohesive future. Olive Voss, please come to the stage.”

At the sound of her name, I whipped around, trying to peer through the crowd and see my friend. When she came into view, I could see she was just as surprised as I was, her face flushed at the attention. This was a well-deserved accomplishment, and I was so hexing proud of her.

The crowd cheered her entire way up to the stage, dying out as she stood next to Torryn, facing us all. He spelled her voice to project, the sound of her clearing her throat and taking a deep breath echoing over the courtyard.

“Thank you for this amazing surprise. I feel so unworthy, knowing other students have dealt with so much more in their time here than me, but I’m also so grateful. Coming to Aether, I never imagined my life would take such a turn, but it honestly came naturally. When Aris and her coven were ostracized and hunted, I knew I couldn’t sit back any longer. The support Indigo and our team received was so overwhelming, I’m still in shock! After the Prime Minister rolled out the new changes, we switched from an underground team to an academy-wide one, and the representation from all types of witches was amazing. I’ve passed Indigo’s torch onto a new leader, who I know will do it justice. Our time here is over, but it’s important we leave our legacies behind, and I’m proud of mine,” she said, her voice Copyright 2016 - 2024