Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,81

got a girl to find and a lap to get danced up on. Then we can leave.”

As soon as he walked off, Bryce turned to the rest of us. “You guys know he’s going to keep humping everything in sight until you get him fixed.”

I snorted.

Ace made a noise of frustration, drawing my attention. He was scowling down at his phone, looking wholly pissed off. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. “Has Rox not responded to your winky face text yet?”

His jaw hardened. “No. The girls just made it to the club.”

“Fucking great,” Kade grumbled.

I threw my arm over the back of the sectional couch. “So what? They’re out dancing at a club. Big deal. At least they’re in a group.”

And my wife carries a gun.

Surely, Lexi wouldn’t have taken her gun to a club, though. Would she?

If I was being completely honest, though, I didn’t like the idea of her going out without me—without a ring on her finger. And I really didn’t like the idea of other men thinking she was available. Fucking hated it, actually. No one would even believe that we were married, for Christ’s sake, because she didn’t wear my ring.

Because you never gave her one.

I hadn’t exactly had one stashed in my pocket when I’d flown off to Moscow, had I?

But you’ve had plenty of time to pick one out since then.

Cris blew out an annoyed breath. “Blame it on Luka. Because Jaz made it very clear that there was going to be a quid pro quo if we decided to go to a strip club.” He glared at the empty seat next to Rome where Luka had been sitting. “Thanks again, dick.”

“No shit,” Ace replied curtly. “Roxy and I made a deal, though. No touching on either end. Although I’m not too happy about her even looking.”

I frowned, confused. “What the hell are you guys talking about?”

The three of them looked at me, brows drawn.

“You don’t know?” Kade asked.

“Know what?”

“The girls are at a male strip club,” Cris answered haughtily. “Said if we were going to one, so could they.”

I shot to my feet, knocking over my glass in the process. “What? Are you fucking kidding me? And you guys are okay with this?”

“We didn’t exactly have a choice in the matter,” Cris said slowly. “You try reasoning with Gia. It was her goddamn idea.”


It was the sole emotion that existed in my world at that moment.

Having heard enough, I swiped my jacket off the back of the couch. “Someone go pull Luka’s face out of that girl’s tits. We’re going to that fucking strip club right now.”

Because so help me God, the only naked body Lexi would be ogling tonight was her husband’s.

“Toasts!” Gia shouted over the raucous of the male strip club I couldn’t believe we were at.

Having seen Cris and Ace with their women—how possessive and protective they were—I was honestly surprised they hadn’t already crashed and subsequently broken up this party. It made me wonder if all the Rossetti brothers were like that deep down.

Would Nico care that a bunch of muscular men were going to be stripping down and shaking their junk in front of me?

He’d certainly acted all kinds of possessive the other night in the pool. Not to mention, at the club in Rovinj when I’d danced with that guy, and that was before anything sexual had happened between us. I couldn’t deny it rankled my nerves that he would be staring at a bunch of gorgeous, mostly naked women all night.

Okay, it irritated the hell out of me.

But what could I do about it? Getting all dramatic would clue him in to how much I actually did care and how much power I didn’t want him to know he had over me. Admitting my jealousy would give him the upper hand. Something I didn’t surrender easily.

He told you he was going to make you scream tonight.

Me. Not some stripper.

I just hoped those plans didn’t get derailed after all the jiggling breasts and G-strings.

Sam, Jasmine’s best friend and maid of honor, who’d flown in from Atlanta to be here, raised her glass of water. “So, Jasmine was telling me the other day that there’s still so much about Cris she doesn’t know. For example, did you know that one of his hobbies is meteorology?”

Everyone frowned at that, looking confused.

Sam nodded. “Yeah, it’s true. He was predicting the forecast for the night of the wedding and mentioned there was going to be a chance of snow.” She turned Copyright 2016 - 2024