Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,48

so savage I couldn’t help but imagine what it would have felt like if he had been inside me. He would have been so deep.

Moments later, he roared his release into my neck with one final jarring drive.

The whole experience left me with mixed emotions. Should I have been flattered that he’d needed to come so badly, he couldn’t have waited until we got to the house? That he had to come in his pants, in the middle of a public parking garage? Or should I have been insulted that he’d used every ounce of his restraint to not fuck me. To resist me. Even though he’d been in enormous pain.

He eventually pulled back, straightening my dress in a business-like manner as he went. Much to my disappointment, he refused to even look me in the eyes.

“That was—”

“Something that will not be repeated,” he finished for me. “Ever.”

With a scowl, he stomped around to the driver’s side and unlocked the car. Still no eye contact.

Aaaand he’s back to being an arse. Brilliant.

I thought my life had gotten turned upside-down when I was told I had to marry a complete stranger.

But thanks to some fully-clothed dry humping against a car, my world was now totally and invariably fucked.

I’d made it clear to Lexi in the thirty-six hours since I’d pounded her into my car and come in my pants like a pathetic putz that the entire incident was inconsequential to me.

She hated me now more than ever.

On top of that, it was time for Sunday lunch at my parents’ house. I was about to introduce them to my new wife. All in all, it was the perfect storm…

For disaster.

“I need you to do me a favor when we get there,” I told her as I maneuvered the car through the streets of Brooklyn, heading for Prospect Park.

Their renovated brownstone overlooked Binnen Bridge in the park, where Dad asked Mom to marry him. I wondered if Lexi would find that romantic. Was she the type of woman who longed for romance? Who sighed wistfully as she passed it by on the street?

If so, she’s with the wrong man.

“This ought to be good,” she muttered. She’d been refusing to look at me ever since we’d left the house ten minutes before.

We’d reverted back to our tactics of avoidance and sarcastic mockery when we absolutely had to be in each other’s presence. It grated on my nerves a hell of a lot more than I’d expected it to. But honestly, what did I expect after I’d all but tossed her away the second I’d emptied my balls?

And Christ, she’d been so hot for it.

All spark and fire, grinding in my arms like that. So uninhibited in her passion.

My fingers tightened around the steering wheel. “Don’t mention the…haste of the wedding ceremony to my mother. I’m sure my father has filled her in on most of the details, but I’m the first of her children to marry and…” I cleared my throat, unwilling to go down that road. “Bringing it up at the dinner table would crush her.” Actually, it would probably break her heart.

But wasn’t that my specialty?

Breaking the hearts of the people I loved?

Lexi was silent for several seconds. “I would never disrespect your mother in her own home like that, Nico,” she said in a quiet voice, actually sounding offended.

Truthfully, I never thought she would be unkind to my family. She had been nothing but gregarious with them at O’Malley’s the other night. Dare I say, she’d even had fun with them. Plus, Lexi wasn’t a mean-spirited person. Her snark toward me was merely an act of self-defense. I constantly asked for it by casting the first stone and being a douche. Honestly, I’d probably lose a little bit of respect for her if she didn’t respond in kind.

“Unfortunately, I won’t be able to stop the inquisition that’s about to come your way,” I warned her. “Everyone might know our situation, but that doesn’t mean they still aren’t curious about you. Whatever questions you answered for the girls the other night, you’re probably going to get double the dose from my parents.”

“I can handle it,” she replied, picking at the seam of her jeans. “Besides, you’re the only one I seem to have a problem getting along with. Whatever side of the family tree you got your personality from, it couldn’t have been the same one your brothers and sister got theirs from.”

Which may have been the most ironic thing I’d ever Copyright 2016 - 2024