Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,40

Nico’s office were all on the main level. One of my favorite pieces of furniture in the entire house was his dining table. It looked like it had been assembled from whiskey barrels. Rustic and worn, there was metal pipelining along the edges that looked exactly like the metal fittings that were bolted into whiskey barrels.

It had character. I loved it.

Moving on from there, I ventured downstairs where I found the gym. But after seeing the imprints of Nico’s butt cheeks on the bench press and inhaling the not unpleasant manly musk in the air, I made a mad dash out of there and sprinted to the room at the opposite end of the hallway.

“Holy shit.”

There were bottles of alcohol everywhere.

Racks and racks of it—wine, beer, whiskey, bourbon, scotch, vodka. Everything you could name, it appeared to be here. I recalled seeing a random article about Nico having one of the largest privately owned collections of liquor and spirts in the world during my Google search, but I’d skirted right past it.

In the center of the cellar-type room was a sitting area with blood red leather furniture placed around a huge fireplace. A pool table sat along one wall, with a small bar in the corner. It was essentially the most expensive man cave I’d ever seen. The epitome of all men’s fantasy lands.

It was a booze bunker.

I noted that the few wine and whiskey bottles I examined were highly sought-after labels and expensively priced. So, he wasn’t just a collector for the sake of being a collector. He actually did his research and only bought the best of the best. Impressive.

I didn’t get a chance to inspect the rest of his inventory because I heard the front door open and close above my head, followed my multiple sets of footsteps.

Great. The hubby was back and with company.

Quiet as a mouse, I tiptoed up the stairs, hoping I’d be able to sneak past them and up to my room without being noticed. But I froze like a statue when I realized the new arrivals weren’t Nico and his buddies.

They were women.

Three of them. All small and petite, with dark hair and dark skin. Maybe slightly younger than me. Of course, each one of them was gorgeous.

It seemed that Nico definitely had a type, and it wasn’t me. In fact, it was the polar opposite of my long legs, blond hair, blue eyes, and microscopic boobs.

That’s good!

I didn’t want to be his type.

But that didn’t stop the green-eyed monster from stepping onto the scene and snagging the reins of my emotions. Nico knew I would be here, yet he’d still invited his regulars over. It was irrational to feel hurt by that. The man was an egotistical, self-involved arse. What did I care if he wanted to continue his whorish ways while in matrimony with me? It was probably good that he did. Because then I would have absolutely zero temptation to touch him.

It wasn’t like the hollow vows we’d recited to each other actually meant anything. I hadn’t anticipated that he’d maintain a steady string of one-night-stands while I was here, but what was to stop him? We had no claim on each other. Not really.

But I didn’t have to bear witness to it.

I was going to have to speak with him about taking his gang bangs elsewhere. I wouldn’t make a fuss or ask questions as long as I didn’t have to see it with my own eyes or—God forbid—hear it with my own ears.

Three pairs of eyes went wide when the women noticed me.

Ah, Prince Charming didn’t mention he tied the knot, did he?

Must have been quite a shock for them. So help me, if they actually asked me to join them…

“I was wondering when the harem would arrive,” I muttered dryly. “Look, I’m not his boss, so I can’t tell him where he can or can’t stick his wick. How about we just say, you stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours. Sound fair?”

Their mouths were all agape.

Then the one wearing a black leather jacket and liquid leggings said, “Did she just accuse me of sleeping with my own brother?”

All the blood drained from my face.

Brother? Oh, God.

How did I not know that Nico had siblings?

“Wait, you’re his…sisters? Not his…?” I trailed off, cringing. I just needed to shut up.

When they all burst into laughter, some of the pressure in my chest eased.

“I’m the sister,” Leather Jacket said between wheezes. “Nico’s only sister. Copyright 2016 - 2024