Booze and Bullets (Brooklyn Brothers #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,30


Once on the plane.

And once at the villa.

I grinned lasciviously when she started to move. It felt like the sweetest victory.

She was tentative at first but quickly grew more confident when I moved with her. Beat by beat, her body began melting against mine, allowing me to take more liberties with my seeking hands. They inched down her thighs, fingering the hem of her shorts. I thrust against her gyrating ass, grinding my stiff erection against her tight crevice.

She sucked in a breath.

“Why do you sound so surprised?” I asked gruffly against the soft flesh of her neck. “Wasn’t this what you wanted from me? Weren’t you trying to make my dick hard in a room full of people?”

“Not necessarily.”

She’s into this.

She was fighting her body’s reaction to me…and her mind was losing.

Her breaths were coming faster. Her hair was beginning to stick to her temples as her entire body heated up. I grinded my pelvis harder, burrowing my shaft between her cheeks. She tried to inch away, but my hand on her hip stayed her. She wasn’t getting away that easily.

“So, you were just trying to piss me off, then.”

She took a few moments to answer. “Not in the beginning.”

Did I even want to know what that meant?

A big part of me did.

If she hadn’t been trying to anger me on principle, did that mean she’d actually wanted to get me excited by watching her dance? What the hell did that mean?

Nothing good. Shut her down.

When my gaze lowered, I caught sight of her barely-there cleavage. Wasn’t sure why I found that so enticing, but I did. Small breasts had never done it for me in the past. Not that a woman couldn’t do it for me if she wasn’t well-endowed. A tiny bra size just wasn’t something I looked for.

But seeing Lexi’s little teacups straining against her tight top made me wonder if they’d been properly cared for over the years. Had they been kissed the way they deserved to be? Licked? Loved? With her milk white skin, her nipples would have to be a lighter color. Probably a rosy pink or coral. Of course, they’d be small, too, and would require a lot of attention.

I ran my hands up her body and cupped them.

I couldn’t help it. Not knowing the answers to any of those questions was tormenting me.

“Why have these been driving me so crazy?” I growled.

Stop talking. You’re revealing too much.

Never let a woman see how strongly she affected you. It gave her too much power. Too many ideas. Normally, that voice inside my head ran the show. It had gotten me out of a lot of trouble over the years. I never denied its wisdom.

But right then, it could shut the fuck up.

“They’re smaller than my hands.” My voice was gravelly as my fingers began to knead. “I shouldn’t want to slick them up with my tongue, should I? Shouldn’t want to suck on them just to see if I could get them hard through all your clothes. Right, legs?”

She wriggled under my touch. “Stop that.”

I only tightened my grip. “Why? You were letting him do it.”

“He wasn’t groping me there.”

I took her earlobe between my teeth and bit down lightly. Her breath hitched. “He might as well have been. His cock was sliding up and down your ass. You were wiggling yourself on it. A few more minutes and you would have had him coming inside his pants. And you don’t even know him.”

“I barely know you,” she pointed out, doing her best to dislodge my hands without drawing attention from the people around us.

“Exactly. So, what’s the difference? Like it or not, legs, I own you for however long your father makes this deal last.”

“You don’t own m—”

I gripped her jaw in my hand—not too rough, but not too nice. My temper was threatening to break free of its leash, and she just kept pushing. “Did he make you wet? Did that drunken fuck of a man do it for you? Or were you already wet from dancing for me?” I licked along the shell of her ear, grinning when her nails dug into my arms. “Did knowing you were getting me so hard that I could have fucked you without even unzipping myself soak your panties?”

Those little teacups heaved in my hands, as if she were offering them to me. The thought made my dick swell. My balls were so tight they were going to explode if I didn’t empty them Copyright 2016 - 2024