The Bookstore on the Beach - Brenda Novak Page 0,77

and underwear, which she’d washed and folded countless times—she wondered what she was going to do.

She couldn’t stop seeing Quinn. It felt as though they belonged together.

Grabbing her cell phone, which she’d put on the nightstand when she left because she was afraid her children might randomly check on “Where’s my iPhone” and know she wasn’t home, she called Mr. Olynyk using WhatsApp.


“This is...this is Autumn Divac.”

He switched to English. “Of course.”

WhatsApp had, no doubt, already announced her identity. “I haven’t heard from you in a few weeks, and I...I thought I’d check in, see how things are going.”

“I am afraid I do not have much to report, Mrs. Divac. I am sorry.”

After making love with Quinn on the beach she didn’t know whether to be disappointed, as usual, or relieved. That was how torn she felt between the man with whom she’d had two children and the boy she seemed to be falling in love with all over again. “That friend you mentioned before, the one you said might’ve seen my husband several months ago. Did you ever speak with him?”

“I did. He led me to another man who is part of the Azov battalion near Travneve, a small town along the eastern border. This other man believes he spoke with your husband almost eighteen months ago—in the fall, so not long after Nick arrived in this part of the world.”

Her stomach tightened into knots. What did she hope to learn? Did she want evidence that would indicate Nick was alive and might still be coming back? Or did she want proof that he wouldn’t?

That she could even consider the second question made her feel terrible—intensely disloyal—not only to Nick but also to her children, both of whom wanted and needed their father back.

She stretched her neck, trying to cope with the stress. “And?”

“He said your husband was asking about weapons he believed might have come from Rostov.”

Rostov was a military base in Russia. She knew that much from the research she’d already done. Only thirty miles from the Russian border, it had been in the news before. “That’s where the Russians used to train separatist fighters.”

“I believe they are still doing that. But they are so focused on getting the European Union to ease the sanctions that are crippling their economy they must be very careful.”

“Does either of the men you spoke to have any idea where Nick might have gone after he visited Travneve?”

“No. And I cannot find anyone who does. My associate has been circulating Nick’s picture along the border towns, since that was where he was last seen, but so far no one has come forward with any new information.”

There’d been over 13,000 killed since the conflict began. So many people. Was Nick one of them?

“It’s almost July,” she said.

“Yes. What would you like me to do?”

When he’d called her before, she’d told him June would be her final month.

Closing her eyes, she let her head drop back—and heard the door open downstairs. Someone was coming.

“Just through June,” she reiterated quickly, and hung up as her daughter came into the room.

“You’re awake already?” Taylor asked, obviously surprised to see her up and fully dressed.

Autumn hadn’t stripped off her swimsuit since returning from the beach. It was dry because she and Quinn hadn’t gone in the water—they’d been more intent on remaining joined, if only by their hands, while watching the sunrise. She was pretty sure they’d both been surprised by the intensity of their lovemaking and how close they felt afterward. They’d hardly spoken a word when it was over—just enjoyed the companionship they’d both been missing lately. “I was thinking about going for a swim. But since you’re up, we could go to the beach and do yoga instead, if you’d like.”

A frown tugged at Taylor’s lips and creased her forehead. “I don’t think so. Not this morning. I didn’t sleep well.”

With her own words to Mr. Olynyk still echoing in her ears—only through June—Autumn sat on the bed and patted the spot next to her. She’d effectively cut off the search for Nick, and Taylor and Caden didn’t know it. Maybe she should’ve discussed it with them first. Asked for their input. They were all part of the same family and had a stake in Nick’s coming home, too. “Come here. Is there something wrong?”

Taylor looked troubled when she said, “Did you like Sierra?”

“I did,” Autumn replied and meant it. “She seems smart, savvy, nice. And she looks out for you. I saw Copyright 2016 - 2024