Book of Love - David Horne Page 0,18

disgrace to fathers all around the world who actually care for their children's happiness." As Alfie said his speech, he grew more and more heated and was close to yelling at his dad when he finished. Alfie man was breathing hard and still glaring daggers at the shell-shocked man that was his dad.

"Y-you have no right to talk to me like that. I can end your business with just one phone call." Matt went stiff with fear. His father had gained more and more connections as the years went by. By now, he had amassed a few powerful friends who could quickly end a small bookstore. When Matt looked at Alfie, he saw a smirk.

His dad was confused by the smirk, too, if the look on his face was anything to go by.

"Try that and you'll quickly find out that this is merely a chain store of a book-loving family that have opened many stores in Britain before coming to America to do the same. You will also find out that said family is very well off and mighty connected to some very powerful people who could ruin just about any business. So, again, try it." Alfie was now walking to the other side of the counter to stand next to Matt, the long fingers opened a drawer that Matt was told not to open until Alfie showed him what was inside himself.

Inside the drawer were documents and a thick, old looking book.

Alfie leaned over the counter and showed his dad the papers and book. Matt’s father turned a pale white and swallowed thickly. Looking down, Matt's eyes went wide when he saw that the papers were just documents to show ownership. However, it was the book that had gotten a significant reaction.

It was a family book, a book of history, an old and original by the age of the thing. It was the book of the Xavier family. A very powerful British family that goes by a different surname now but kept the Xavier in their boys' names. The family was very powerful and could indeed end his entire small empire he had to work so hard for in just one phone call.

"I suggest you turn around and get your sorry arse out of my shop and never return. You will never darken our doorstep. Then, I will allow you to keep your pathetic company. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" Alfie bit the last words out.

Matt watched as his father turned and left the shop with his tail between his legs.

He couldn't believe what he just saw and what his dad had said to him. He felt Alfie's hand on his shoulder and turned to see a clearly worried Alfie looking at him. "Don't listen to him. He’s just a narcissistic twit. His words hold no weight." Matt nodded as he continued to stare at Alfie.

Swallowing, Matt had a moment where his mouth connected with his heart and not his brain. He blurted out in a soft voice.

"I'm in love with you."

Matt watched as Alfie's eyes went wide.

Nothing was said for a few seconds. Matt cursed internally. He honestly shouldn't have said it now. He meant to, but it wasn't the place.

"You love me?" Alfie said in an equally soft voice as if speaking too loudly would shatter everything. Matt nodded before he dropped his eyes to the floor, mentally preparing himself for rejection.

However, it never came as Alfie's slender hand came into view. Matt allowed his face to be tilted up. "I need time. I'm not saying no, but I am not saying yes. I just need some time."

That was a lot better than what Matt thought he was going to get. So, he was more than willing to give Alfie some time to think.

Alfie just gave the smile Matt loved to see." Right, let's finish up today and head home." Matt said nothing about it being three hours before their standard closing time.

Chapter Six

Matt was happy to know that his confession to Alfie didn’t make things awkward between them. Alfie didn’t seem uncomfortable at all. So, Matt counted his lucky stars that he didn’t ruin everything.

Alfie treated Matt the same. Matt felt better letting his feeling known, even if Alfie turned him down.

The first month went by, and Matt had not once mentioned what Alfie was feeling. He was obviously curious and really wanted Alfie to give him a chance. Ultimately, it wasn't up to him to decide.

It was the first week into the second month when Copyright 2016 - 2024