The Book of Lies - By Mary Horlock Page 0,30

I’ll get you in trouble?’

‘It’s not that, Cathy. I do understand. I was young once.’

It was round about then that I had a major freak-out. I went on and on about how I was more misunderstood than Hitler, and how I did miss Dad and how I got everything wrong. Mighty Mac put his arm around me and I snivelled on his woolly shoulder.

He was about to say something when another car appeared behind us and started beeping its horn. I wiped my nose and tried to look sane, which was just as well since it was Mrs Senner. Mrs Senner (aka Radio Senner) is Vicky’s mum and Dr Senner’s wife, and is hard to avoid on account of her fluorescent fuchsia lipstick, which never comes off despite her kissing people in the Belgian way.31 When she saw who was blocking the road she slowed down and asked if everything was ‘all righty’. I thought for one terrible minute she might actually get out. Mr McCracken panicked, too, and waved her along quite brusquely, saying everything was fine and I was just a little carsick.

‘It’s my fault,’ he shrugged. ‘I’m not used to all these narrow lanes and hidden turnings. It’s all stop-start-stop-start with me.’

Mrs Senner laughed and told him he should have got used to it by now.

‘I know, I know!’ He rolled his eyes and smiled.

As she drove off I couldn’t help but look at Mr Mac with Super-Gluey eyes. What Mr McCrack did was so noble and generous. He’d preserved what was left of my dignity. Mrs Senner would’ve gone absolutely nuts if she’d examined me more closely/smelt/inspected my vomit. She’d have marched round to our house and told Mum all about it, and then Mum would’ve got upset about everyone knowing our business. But Mr Mac had been my Knight-in-Shining-Skoda, and he obviously really cared since he suggested we stop at Island Wide for a can of Coke and something to eat.

‘You’ll probably feel a lot better now it’s all out of your system.’

I nodded meekly, got back in the car and he was right, after a few minutes I did start to feel better. I told him I was sorry for ruining his Sunday and he laughed and said there was nothing to be ruined.

‘Truth is, I hadn’t made any plans.’

He then watched me guzzle two packets of Quavers and a Fanta, which kind of proved the point.

It was only after I’d scoffed the lot that I dared ask him what he was going to tell Mum.

He tapped his thumb on the steering wheel. ‘I don’t know. Will she be at home yet?’

I shook my head. ‘She’s at work. She’s working all hours to save the business because you might not know this but Dad left us terrible debts. She’s got enough on her plate, trust me, she needs this like a hole in the head.’

Mr Mac pulled a face.

‘So, what do I do with you?’

I stared at my hands. ‘I’m meant to be at Nicolette Prevost’s house. It’s just round the corner.’

Mr Mac raised his eyebrows to make little quote marks over his face.

‘You and Nicolette, I should’ve known. She was at Pleinmont with you, wasn’t she?’ He shook his head. ‘Bang goes my star pupil.’ But then, unexpectedly, he smiled. ‘I’ll drop you back there now, shall I?’

I was amazed/terrified/appalled. I couldn’t understand why Mr Mac would do such a thing, but I assumed he just wanted to humiliate me further. He found the way to Les Paradis with only two more gear crunches and when we pulled into the drive Therese was (thankfully) dressed and at the door.

She was very surprised to see me without Nicolette, and with Mr McCracken.

‘Is everything all right? Cathy, where’s Nicolette?’

There was a note of panic in her voice.

‘I’m sorry,’ I said quickly, ‘Nic and I got separated, there was a mix-up over lifts, she’ll be back very soon, I’m sure. Can I wait for her in her room?’

Therese frowned. ‘Yes, that’s fine, go on up, but I’m cross with Nicolette for leaving you. Mr McCracken, I don’t know what to say. This is unexpected. How kind of you to go out of your way and bring Cathy back.’

Mr Mac smiled. ‘It was nothing.’

Then Mr Prevost came out into the hallway and draped an arm over Therese, who stiffened as per a post. Her eyes darted anxiously from me back to her husband.

‘Roger, Nicolette’s gone AWOL again. Poor Mr McCracken here has doubled up as a taxi Copyright 2016 - 2024