Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,87

sure if that makes me happy or concerned.”

“How’s that?” I ask, taking the cooler she hands me.

“Well, I guess it’s good she’s thinking of us as a family, but she may be creating expectations we can’t live up to.”

That statement gives me pause. “You’re saying you don’t want children? More children,” I correct myself, jumping down from the truck bed.

“I didn’t say that. I mean, you have two beautiful kids, I assumed…”

I grab her lightly by the shoulders and lean down so I’m eye to eye. “Don’t assume. Just because I haven’t really had a chance to think about more children doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want them. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

She grabs on to my wrists with her hands and takes in a deep breath. “I might…some day.”

“Some day?” I tease, grinning at her responding eye roll.

“Yeah,” she taunts me right back. “If I find the right guy.”

She squeals when I bend down and put my shoulder in her stomach, lifting her off her feet. The dogs start jumping up and barking as I carry her toward the water.

“Rafe! Set me down!”

“What are you doing?” Sofie wants to know. Alerted by the dogs, she and her brother come crawling out of the tent when I march past.

“I think Taz needs another dip. The heat’s already gone to her head.”

The kids giggle and follow behind me while Taz continues to struggle against my hold.

“I just put on dry clothes, don’t you dare, Rafe Thomas!”

I stop right at the river’s edge.

“Give me a good reason not to toss you in, Natasha Boran.”

“All right, all right—I already have the right guy.”

I slowly let her slide down my front until her feet touch the ground, but I don’t let go of her. “And?”

Her indignant huff only makes me chuckle, and she finally gives in. “And I love you.”

“A good start, but not what I’m after.”

She bulges her eyes at me before darting a glance at the kids, who are following our interaction closely.

“And…the rest is up for discussion.”

I grin down at her before planting a quick hard kiss on her lips.

“Ewww,” comes from the peanut gallery.

Chapter Thirty


“Jesus. I need another drink.”

Kathleen wipes her eyes with her cocktail napkin.

“Do us another round, yeah,” Meredith instructs the waitress, who’s been keeping an eye on our table with no small amount of interest. I can’t blame her; three teary-eyed women sniffling in their drinks in the middle of a bar draw attention.

I just finished telling them about my talk with Sofie under the stars.

“I don’t want to get hammered,” I warn Meredith, who waves me off.

“Told you, Andrew is picking us up.”

“Yeah,” Kathleen pipes up. “Besides, last time we got sloshed together was about ten years ago; the night before you took off for Africa. Except then it was to drown your misery. Now we’re celebrating, so drink up.”

I remember that night. I’d been staying with Kathleen in an attempt to avoid everyone after Mom walked in on Rafe and me in the kitchen. I’d been so hurt—felt so betrayed—I was licking my wounds.

Tonight is much different. I know I’ll be going home to Rafe and that makes all the difference.

“Can I remind you, I spent a week with a very hot guy in a tent, separated by two kids?”

“Ahhh,” Meredith is the first to clue in. “Someone’s hoping for some nookie tonight.”

“Now I really need that drink. Where the hell is that waitress?” Kathleen grumbles, looking toward the bar. “I could do without you putting images of Rafe Thomas—naked—in my head, thank you very much.”

Meredith snickers and I join in.

“Just to say, there’s worse things to visualize than Rafe naked,” I point out.

“Agreed,” Meredith adds, her eyes sparkling with humor. “Shit, I wouldn’t say no to a picture, should you be willing to share some-a-that.”

Kathleen shoves her fingers in her ears. “La-la-la-la-la, I can’t hear you.”

I elbow her sharply. “Stop that. How long are you gonna keep him in the doghouse?”

“Until I know for sure he’s not gonna fuck up again.”

“He won’t,” I assure her. “And neither will I. I’m happy, Kathleen. Really happy. Can you be happy for me?”

“I am. I’m cautiously happy for you.”

“Whatever,” Meredith flaps her hand, “I still think your story is like a bittersweet fairy tale with a very happy ending. The only thing that would make it better is if you guys had a baby.”

When I don’t react, both girls turn their eyes on me.

“Christ, tell me you’re not preggers,” Kathleen says far too loud, as the waitress walks Copyright 2016 - 2024