Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,80

when I finish putting clean sheets on the last bed.

This way I won’t have to worry about washing them when we get back next week. I’m sure we’ll be bringing back enough laundry as it is.

It’s funny how easily Rafe and I have settled into our changed relationship. It feels natural: right. Even with the need to watch ourselves around the kids, the significance of those seemingly casual touches, the easy glances, and the frequent warm smiles, sustain me.

Still, I look forward not having to be secretive. It does make me nervous, though. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t care less what people in town might think, but I do care about my family. The kids especially. Rafe wants to talk to them early on in our trip, so we have the whole week to let them get used to the idea. I don’t disagree; I’m just worried if they don’t react favorably, this whole trip could be ruined.

I hear my phone ringing downstairs and grab the kids’ duffel bags before running downstairs. Tossing them toward the front door, I quickly snatch up the phone from the coffee table before it stops ringing.


“Tomorrow night. Salty’s on the river for girls’ night,” Meredith says without introduction. “Kathleen is on board.”

I smile. “I bet she is, but we’re leaving tomorrow to go camping, remember?”

“Shit. I forgot. When are you back?”

“Next Saturday. Probably early afternoon.”

“Good, we’ll make it next Saturday then.”

I’m about to protest when it occurs to me I might be ready for a little girl time by then. “It’s a plan.”

“We’re telling the kids this weekend,” I blurt out.

“Nervous?” Meredith asks immediately, and I’m reminded how wonderful it is to have friends who seem to get you without explanation. Even Meredith, who I haven’t known all that long.

“Honestly? Shitting my pants. Rafe and I; things are pretty good, even though we have to be very careful. If this does not go well, it could seriously complicate things.”

I’m not sure what I’m expecting, but it’s not Meredith cracking up.

“Oh, my God, you’re funny,” she finally informs me, still chuckling. “Complicate things? Honey, from what I hear your situation is about as complicated as it’s gonna get. Shee-it, girl.”

“Kathleen told you about my parents, huh?”

“Sure did, and I gotta tell you, it’s not half as bad as I expected it could be. Besides, it sounds like your man did pretty good throwing down for you like that. From what she tells me, he’s as close to them as if they were his own. He sure put it all on the line for you.”

She’s right. As far as my parents go, he stands to lose as much as I do.

“He loves me.” I can’t stop the smile sounding in my voice.

“I hate to tell you, but that’s no secret, honey. I could see it in the way he looked at you the first time I met him. Why do you think I assumed y’all were married? He looks at you the way Andrew does at me when he thinks I don’t notice. Like he’s still wondering after years how the hell he got so lucky.”

“It’s soon.” I can’t help trying to talk myself down from the high her words give me.

“It is what it is. Soon, late, it all depends on how you choose to look at things. Who the hell cares anyway? I meant what I said before, there’s something so tragically beautiful in your story. Anyone who can’t see the cataclysmic perfection of you two together is not worth your time.”

“Thanks, Meredith,” I tell her softly, thinking my sister would’ve appreciated that way of describing our messy lives. “Nicky would’ve liked you.”

There’s a brief pause before she responds. “Of course. What’s not to like?”

“Next Saturday,” I confirm with a grin.

“Pick you up at eight and prepare to get hammered. Andrew is designated driver, he’ll come pick our sorry carcasses up.”

I’ve barely hung up the phone when I hear the front door and the dogs run for it as Rafe walks in, carrying a pizza box.

“Hey, honey,” I greet him, taking the box from his hands so he can say hello to the dogs.

In the kitchen I pull off a few sheets of paper towel—not bothering with plates—and grab a few beers from the fridge. I’m washing my hands at the sink when two strong arms slip around me from behind.

“I like that,” Rafe rumbles in my neck. “You calling me honey.”

A charge ripples over my skin as one of his hands comes Copyright 2016 - 2024