Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,70

that should be considered as well.

“I can check if there’s room today, but otherwise we can schedule a day next week for the preliminary scans and blood work, if you choose to go ahead. We can also schedule a tentative surgical date for you.”

Dad swallows hard before nodding, but Mom looks panicked.

“Dr. Chen,” I interrupt what feels like a runaway train. “Is it at all possible to take a few minutes for all of us to process this? I understand you have more appointments, so maybe it would be easier if my parents go grab something to eat, talk things over, and perhaps pop in between appointments after lunch?”

“Yes, of course. I’ll let my assistant know you’ll be back.”

With that I let Dad lead the way out of the office again, Mom close behind me. I feel a warm hand in the middle of my back and a soft voice in my ear.

“Thank you, honey.”

It’s almost five when we finally walk out of the hospital.

We had a good talk over lunch, with Mom voicing her concerns, me providing some medical insight, and Dad explaining his reasons for wanting to go ahead with the surgery. When Dad mentioned he needed to try everything possible to maximize the time he has left with her, he cemented the decision for Mom. He even had me in tears.

The rest of the afternoon was spent hopping from test to test, and we walk out of the hospital with an appointment for surgery four weeks away. I can tell it’s taken a toll on Dad especially.

“I’m taking the back seat,” he announces. “That way I can have a snooze while you girls yap.”

“Why is it always women who yap?” Mom immediately has her tired hackles up.

“Because you do. Yap, chatter, gossip, babble, jabber. It’s what women do.” I bite my lip, trying not to laugh at Mom’s disgruntled huff. I remember these types of exchanges from when I was young.

“Are you saying men don’t?”

“Men confer, huddle, and once in a blue moon shoot the shit, but real men never yap.”

My mother’s almost ready to blow so I quickly intervene, reaching over to put a hand on her arm.

“Remember, Mom, this comes from a man who still reads the Sunday funnies first.”

“And likes his toast cut in perfect triangles,” she adds, grinning at me.

“And cries like a baby when his Cardinals get eliminated in the playoffs.” I wink at her.

“See? Yapping,” Dad contributes, sticking his head between our seats. “I’m having a nap.”

Five minutes later the occasional snore drifts from the back.

“He’s tired,” Mom notes.

“I’d be worried if he wasn’t. Heck, I’m tired. Been a long day, Mom.”

“Yeah, it has.” She suddenly sounds exhausted herself and I reach over to give her hand a squeeze.

“It’ll be okay, Mom.”

“I hope so, honey. God, I hope so. I don’t think I’d survive the alternative.”


“Have you heard anything from Taz?”

I’ve barely got my foot over the threshold at Kathleen and Brent’s.

“She called earlier to tell me they’re running late. Doing some testing. We’ll find out soon enough.”

“It’s too much, having to deal with this after Nicky’s death,” she concludes, leading the way to the kitchen where Brent is tossing back a beer at the counter.

“Beer?” he asks, holding up his empty as he walks over to the fridge.

“Sure.” Taz won’t likely be home soon, and from what I can see through the sliding doors, the kids are having a blast in the pool.

“You wanna stay for burgers?”

I’m frankly shocked Kathleen would ask me. She’s never made any bones about letting me know I’m not exactly her favorite person, although I have noticed a slight warming in recent days.


“It’ll give the kids a chance to dry up over dinner before you load them in the truck.”

“Yeah, if you sure there’s enough, we’ll stay. Thanks.” I nod to Kathleen who grants me a hint of a smile.

Brent hands me a beer, and indicates for me to follow him outside to the deck. Spencer notices me right away.

“Dad! Look what I can do!”

If not for the life vest he’s wearing, I’d have a heart attack watching him run down the diving board, straight into the deep end of the pool. Brent chuckles behind me as he fires up the grill.

“That’s great, Son.” I give him two thumbs-up and he beams. In the meantime, Sofie has pulled herself out of the water and is making her way over. “Hey, Pipsqueak. You having fun too?”

She nods and keeps walking until she has her arms wrapped Copyright 2016 - 2024