Bonus Kisses - Freya Barker Page 0,68

lifts her head from my drenched shirt and looks up. I struggle to control the rush of anger at the look of devastation on my daughter’s face.


Cupping her jaw with both hands I brush my thumbs at the wet on her cheeks. “She’s not leaving, Pipsqueak. There’s nothing you can do that would make that happen.”

“Promise?” she whispers, hope replacing the sadness.

“Cross my heart and hope to… I promise.” I hug her close and bury my nose in her soft hair, before loosening my hold so I can look at her sternly. “Now what’s with all these barnyard animals?”

She has the good sense to look a little sheepishly from under her eyelashes. “I dunno.”

“No? You and I both know you were testing your aunt, Sofie. That stops now, okay? The short snippy tone you’re taking with her, the dirty looks, and most of all enlisting your brother to be at his most annoying.”

She giggles at that, and I have a hard time keeping the stern look on my face. “Okay, Daddy.”

“Good. No more barnyard animals.”

I’ve been behind the eight ball since this morning’s late start.

I never even had a chance to brief Taz on my conversation with Sofie. Luckily she said she’d drop the kids off at Kathleen’s on her way to her parents’ place.

My first patient of the day had been a badly injured dog, hit by a car as the young animal took off across the street. The owner walked in, carrying the poor thing in a blanket, and of course I took him straight to the back. Everyone else in the reception area would have to wait.

I managed to patch him up, but I’ll have to keep a close eye on him so he’s staying the weekend.

Although most were understanding; I had a few disgruntled owners come in with their pets. The last of whom I sent on their way, when my cell phone rings.

“Hey, you,” I tell Taz when I see it’s her.

“Hi, I wanted to check in with you. Dad’s doctor had an emergency and is running behind.”

I snort. “That seems to be a theme today. I’m running behind myself.”

“Oh shit. I should probably call Kathleen then. At this rate I may not be home in time to pick up the kids and get dinner on the table. We may end up eating on the road. I’m sorry.”

“I’ll take care of the kids and call Kathleen,” I assure her. “You have other things on your mind.”

“Okay, I’ll let you go. See you tonight.”

The last is full of promise and spoken very softly, putting an immediate smile on my face. I drop my voice an octave when I answer.

“Yes, you will.”

Lisa is staring at me slack-jawed when I tuck my phone back in my pocket.


“I’ve thought it, I’ve hoped it, I’ve sensed it, but until now I wasn’t sure. Now I know.”

“No clue what you’re talking about,” I lie, looking at her smug face.

“I bet. Happy for you, Rafe.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


“How are you getting along with the kids?”

I lift my eyes to the rearview mirror, where I find Mom looking back at me from the back seat.

We’ve been on the road for an hour and this is the first direct question she’s asked me. For the most part it’s been quiet, with occasional exchanges between her and Dad about day-to-day stuff.

I’m instantly alert at her question.

“We’re doing well,” I offer carefully. “Spencer is…well, Spencer, so he’s pretty easygoing. Sofie has had a few tough moments, but that’s to be expected. She’s at that age.” At my mother’s affirming nod I’m encouraged to share a little more. “She’s been testing me.”

Mom’s eyebrows shoot up with more than only passing interest. “What do you mean?”

“Well, since you guys got back, she’s been a bit testy with me. Short, you know?” I chuckle as I tell my parents about Spencer’s relentless nagging for a variety of farm animals at his sister’s prompting. “It was pretty obvious she was orchestrating it. Rafe clued in to it too. He took her aside this morning for a talk.”


I glance at my dad, who appears to be following the conversation, wondering if I should repeat what Rafe discovered. With another hour and some in our drive, it might get uncomfortable. Still, I forge ahead, since Mom opened that door, keeping an eye on her in the rearview mirror. “Turns out Sofie is afraid I might be leaving.” I catch Mom and Dad sharing a look, and I decide to throw the stick in the Copyright 2016 - 2024